Im goin for the weber


New member

Well,I made up my mind and Im going to get a weber.I found one for my jeep for $300 bucks.I dont want to buy it yet,because Im not sure if it is a reasonable price,or,what I am looking for.I need a CALIFORNIA state legal weber.Are all webers california legal???This is really important. Thanks Sully[addsig]


Hey hey wahooooooooooooo....yeah . well it isn't as
good as fuel injection (but who can afford it?????)
I am glad to here it good luck and I hope you have a few hours
to spend putting it in.....just a pointer and you probably
allready know but get some hose clamps and some new hoses
for all your vaccuum lines you will be glad you did in the long
run........... :-D :-D [addsig]

i was goin to do the same thing but then i discovered the truck avenger carb by holley. it looks like a good deal. about the same price as a weber but performs better off road. It's built for it. it can hold up to a 40 degree incline front to back and 30 degrees side to side. might wanna check it out. im savin up for one right now.[addsig]


BostonJeep its a well known carberator- spelling....... :-? :-O :-D [addsig]

I went down to 4wheel parts today and they were very helpful and told me the stock numbers and everything about the weber.I didnt buy the weber but,I did go to my local offroad shop afterwords and they told me that the weber is ELEGAL in the state of california.I am so angry at 4wheel parts,they tryed to sucker me into buying an elegal carb.Well,anyway,I went over to the local carb guy and he said that my best bet would be to convert to fuel injection.But,he said it will be really expensive.My other option was to bring in the jeep and see if he could salvage the carb,or,rebuild me another carb.Some time next week I'm going to take the jeep over to his shop and see what he can do.He said he would rebuild a carb for me and install it for about $300 bucks.He's also going to tune it.I hope this solves some of my problems. Sully[addsig]

sorry to hear about the guys tryin to skeem ya...

thats why i come here for my advice, always trustworthy.

good luck with the carb[addsig]

I can't belevie that ....well acctually I can what a
shame sorry to hear about that ...just replace the original.... :-? [addsig]

Tell me this,is the avenger california legal???I'm up against the toughest smog test hre. Sully[addsig]


Is this for the 82 cj7 and is it all original?? :-? [addsig]

Yes,totally original.I am going to get the carb rebuilt.

edited by: Sully, Jun 20, 2003 - 10:38 PM[addsig]

Holley and Edelbroc make a street legal and emmision legal carbs
they are a little pricey, but they have all the vaccuum hook ups
and don't leave any out...I was just on their web sites and they
have Cali. legal carbs.hope this helps a little, just take a deep breath
I can only imagine how much this sux, but I think we may have an
answere for you............ :-D

edited by: jhiggins, Jun 20, 2003 - 07:49 PM[addsig]


Thank you so much jh.I will check it out right now.THANK YOU!!! :-) Sully

Whats the web address???

edited by: Sully, Jun 20, 2003 - 10:45 PM[addsig]


It has a box that says street legal, I didn't check the
avenger....but I think it's a 4bbl. :-D [addsig]

A friend of mine has the Weber on his 4.2L YJ, he's not very happy with it, says it loads up pretty good at angles. He's looking for something better, without going to FI. I recommended he check the Motorcraft carbs, the CJ guys rave about how well they perform, and handle steep angles better than most carbs. I think the model carb was 2100 or 2150 or something similar. I don't know how they bolt to the YJ compared to the CJ, or if they are CARB certified. May be worth checking some CJ forums for better insight.[addsig]