I'm dead and never even knew it!


New member
Got a letter in the mail yesterday from some law firm in Ohio addressed to "The estate of Timothy A. Brown".....?!?!?!......something about somebody's got to pay my debts. Well, I'm alright with that but I didn't realize I was dead!?!?!?!! :lol::lol::lol:

Check the postmark on it. May be post marked the actual year of your death...

Great Scott!
Sorry to hear that mud. It was nice chatting with you when you were alive. So I have a few questions since your dead,

1) heaven or.....
2) if heaven how did you get past St. Peter
3) how is the internet connection where your at
4) and hows the food, lodging, and medical facilities.

Since I am turning 50 this year, was kind of wondering what I got to look forward to.

Steady.foot, no, you can't have my Jeep.....I think I'll be buried with it. And, Utah, I'm still here in the North Carolina mountains so I guess I went to heaven! I guess St. Peter left the gates to pull some Hummer out of a ditch.....I never did see him. And all you pups talkin' that 50's stuff, I would've turned 61 on Monday if I was still alive. :shock:
Be sure to tell em for me, I was real young, when I did all that bad stuff. You know, sex, drugs, and rock n roll.
Oh yes, can't say I ever change my ways....ha
See ya there.
In the immortal words of Lone Wolf McQuade "I want to be buried with my truck because there's no hole it can't climb out of!"
