GenRight Off Road
New member
We recently got an email from a customer who had just ordered and installed one of GenRight's YJ cages. Ironically, the guy who welded in the cage was sitting in the back seat when the roll occurred. Check out the pics. The caged made it through the roll better than the Jeep did. Everyone is okay and the Jeep will be repaired. We're just glad this happened after he installed the cage!!
Message from our customer:
I just wanted to get back to you and thank you for you support. Without your quick response to the missing tubes I may not have able to put in the Genright Roll Cage for my YJ before heading to the 25th French Lick, IN Jeep Jamboree last week. During the Jamboree I lost my power steering during right before one of the steep hill obstacles. When heading down the hill the steering wheel jerked out of my hands and I went into a roll down the hill. After a couple of rolls I was able to regain some control and slow down enough to use a tree to stop with little more damage. The roll cage performed flawlessly and my rear passengers, one of who welded the cage together, were very thankful we had it. Afterwords the roll cage was of interest to many and at least five were very interested in knowing GenRight's name for this item. I am back home now and working on repairs to everything but the Roll Cage since it only had a few scuff marks from things that it rolled over or hit. If funding permits when all repairs are done I will be trying to get the "Behind Seat Bar, C Pillar" so I can attach some five point harnesses for my rear passengers, since they did get bounced around some.
Thanks again for quick responses to my requests and the quality that Genright products have provided for my Jeep. I have attached some pictures and any questions on the event can be addressed to ....................
Message from our customer:
I just wanted to get back to you and thank you for you support. Without your quick response to the missing tubes I may not have able to put in the Genright Roll Cage for my YJ before heading to the 25th French Lick, IN Jeep Jamboree last week. During the Jamboree I lost my power steering during right before one of the steep hill obstacles. When heading down the hill the steering wheel jerked out of my hands and I went into a roll down the hill. After a couple of rolls I was able to regain some control and slow down enough to use a tree to stop with little more damage. The roll cage performed flawlessly and my rear passengers, one of who welded the cage together, were very thankful we had it. Afterwords the roll cage was of interest to many and at least five were very interested in knowing GenRight's name for this item. I am back home now and working on repairs to everything but the Roll Cage since it only had a few scuff marks from things that it rolled over or hit. If funding permits when all repairs are done I will be trying to get the "Behind Seat Bar, C Pillar" so I can attach some five point harnesses for my rear passengers, since they did get bounced around some.
Thanks again for quick responses to my requests and the quality that Genright products have provided for my Jeep. I have attached some pictures and any questions on the event can be addressed to ....................