I want to spread the word...is this a good way?


New member
broken drive

I want every Jeep owner in my area to know about Jeepz.com so I made up these business card sized flyers and am going to put them on every parked Jeep I see in my area. What do you'all think of the design and idea?


Thats what I am doing too!!!Haha,Im glad to see Im not crazy.
I think it would be cool if there was a bumper sticker or a widow sticker we could put on our jeepz to let people know about it. I swear there are more jeeps here in Colorado than anyplace else in the country. I am really surprised I am the only one on the site from Colorado.
If anyone is really good with paintshop *cough*LadyJeepFreak*cough* or any some other program to do drawings, how about taking a shot at making a sticker? We could have a competetion for the best design. The site owner/creator should get in on this and promote it. We could make a poll for the different designs.
What do you all think? I hope I am not out of line with this.
people around here are ignorant... you tell them about something like jeepz, and you get "hell yeah i'll check it out"... well the next time i see any of them, its always "oooohhh i forgot, i'll check it when i get home"... then you know how that goes
I wonder why the sticker info. isn't right up front on the website. It is a great promotional tool. IF someone hadn't asked, I might have never known jeepz had one.

Paintshop? what's that? lol :twisted: :roll: :wink:

I am not saying anyhting bad about Ravenxxx, hell he has gone out of his way, but I sent him money for two stickers about four months ago, and have nothing yet.

Not his fault, his vinyl guy I guess took off or screwed him over or something.

So I am just saying to be patient.
I like the idea of passing out the cards like johnny there. I'm at a designer and work with vinyl, I was thinking of making stickers to spread the word but I don't think people would like a sticker all of the sudden on their jeep. Solution? Magnets!!! I'm gonna make a couple up and stick em on jeeps around here then they can pass them on as well!

Just be careful sticking things to other peoples Jeeps (most deffinatly NOT a good idea around here). Dosn't take much in this world today to cause a rucus (new word for the day), and lawsuits are the norm.

Just my 2 cents.

Rob 8) :p :)
I agree PA If I were to stick anything to anyones Jeep around here on the cape I think we would have problems. You really have to be careful about tagging anything. The landlord of the building I work in desided to put parking flyers under every employee's winshild wiper, (trying to get everone to park out back.) which I cant do, I leave work at 8:30pm its dark and I usually have no top or doors, ummmmm steal something or rob me? Anyways when he lifted my wiper it fell off :shock: They were not srewed on right I was in a hurry after my new paint to just go and drive. Well I think he learned something about that now we get our flyers posted inside our shop. Im not telling anyone what to do just letting you know what could happen :wink:

Well I took Johnny7s idea, and here is the magnet I was talking about...

a magnet isn't going to hurt anything, you don't even have to touch the jeep! just toss it on, and then after that person is done with it they can toss it on another jeep...
I have found myself in places where I was told I should not go doing things that I should not have done to and for people that I shold not have messed with.

I arrived back in 79 at Fort Richardson Alaska and the first thing I was told by the officer in cahrge was stay off 4th Ave. in Anchorage. Before bed time I had been to the Montana Club and other bars that I was told to not see. I still to this day have Eskimo and other Ak Native friends that I made there.

I was working on the road construction in Clearwater Fla and was told not to go to a bar called Marie's. Well you know the story. As I walked in and the locals stoped to see who entered I knew it was time to stay or leave. I picked the biggest roughest man out of the crowd and walked over. Howdy I am Danny from Tennessee and I was told to not come here!

I held out my hand thinking I will either get the poop kicked out of me or everything will be ok. His name was chris but friends called him Bear. We made fast friends and still are today. I figured if he aint going to kick my but no one else here is going to either. It worked.

I sold a Harp on the eBay thing and it brought a considerable amount of cash. Being a Harp is a big ol sucker that is in a case the size of a double fat mans coffin I made arrangments to deliver it to Detroit.

I arrived a bit early cell phoned the new owner and told him I had just hit the city and wanted him to know. He had a one last meeting and then he would be around for the delivery.

Delivery was right beside the UAW union bldg on the 22nd floor of a tower right on the lake. Well I was hungry so I went across the street to grab a bite at Mickey D's. I have never been a racist in manner or form. So park the Surburban and hop out and walk right in. If you know the area of detroit I speak off that is a rough part of town. One side of the street is all fancy and the other side is a bite in need of repair. I was on the later part of the street mentioned.

I walked in and the place went real quite and kind of funny. The lady behinde the counter ask why I had stopped. I told her for a big mac and some fries and a something to drink. She says no why did you stop here! I said cause I am hungry. She ask where I was from and still you could hear a pin drop in there. I said I was from Tennessee and I was there to deliver a harp to the tower across the street. She laughed and said the seems about right.

She said you might need to go there to that tower and soon. I ask why and she said we don't get many strangers here and you are white. I said I am, she laughed the manager come out ask me if he could help me I told him a Big Mac would be nice.

He laughed I got my food she ask if it was to go. I said I really need to go to the bath room and I would just eat there. They both rubbed their heads and said well I guess you can then and people started to talk and the eyes left me and before I left the Mickey D's folks were talking to me and we had a good 45 min visit in that dinning room.

I guess what I am trying to say is if you are going to offer a good word to some one in any area you may enter or be. If your thoughts are good and pure most always you are going to be meet with question at first but then it will most always work out for the good.

Make them cards and hand them to the Jeepers not past em on the windshield. Smile and say a kind word. You may get a question or even a blast of bad words but this world needs to be reminded that we are all just people and need each other to survive.

Stop worring about the law suites and crazyness over stupid stuff and it will go away. I may just be a simple mined over trusting ol fart but I am not going to go thru this world afraid to make an effort to make friends, and help folks along if I can. tug

Sounds good to me.We should have a jeepz.com spread the word day. 8)


That's the way it starts and then you end up with flyers like this....