I think my Avatar is an evil...


New member
I was just thinking...and it occured to me that my avatar is an evil gonad (or the ghost of an evil gonad)...no offense to anyone I hope. I figure that it had been mistreated, rubbed the wrong way one too many times, and was probably even an amputee.

Now that it's free, it's out to seek vengeance on those that that did it wrong...or anyone who gets in it's way. Beware! :)

dude you have way too much free time. Must admit that IS amusing though
HAHA... that is quite ironic... i just saw it in a previous post.. and i was going to ask you what it was
would you like me to explain exactly "What" it is?

If you have ever had the Evil Dungeon Master with the old game Dungeons & Dragons you know Exactly what it is.
Ha Ha L33TJ33P! I DO know what it is! :lol:

At the sake of raising up the nerd alert... does "Beholder" mean anything to you?

Look at my avatar. A cartoon Jeep leaking anti-freeze. I have such bad luck :cry: :cry: . Anyone have some cartoon stop-leak? hahahahaha

Jackal :lol: :lol: