I GOT IN!!!!


New member

Hey guys....I just figured I would write to let you know, that I called the local Tech school, and was told that I will most likely be accepted into there automotive department. When I called a woman had answered the phone and asked if I would be interested in "dental" for some odd reason... I replied witha stern NO!!!! and she had asked what it was exactly I'd like to do. So I told her proudly AUTOMOTIVE! and she laughed at me, but she seemed to back me up for having so much guts (consindering the fact that there are not too many girls who find as much joy in cars as I do, and I will probally get a hard time in a class full of boys.) So the the lady, Jill, asked the director if this would be ok, and he said yes. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I can't wait for school to start!! Hopefully daddy will be very supportive of me too... hey at least he wont have to pay for installation fees, just shopping sprees. :-D :-D

edited by: SmokeysKid, Jul 01, 2003 - 07:51 AM[addsig]


Hi! I think it's awesome that you're going into automotive. I honestly think that there's nothing hotter than a girl workin' on cars and gettin' dirty. If anyone there makes fun of you they're just intimidated. Automotive guys are really nice for the most part, but sometimes you gt the guys who are cocky and think that they know more than you.... everyone goes through that. You'll be getting more support than trouble, trust me. I'm in automotive too. You'll have a great time. Keep us updated! -Mike :-D :-D :-D [addsig]

a girl that works on jeep...what could be better, do u have a boyfriend if not you can have one right here j/k :-D , but really if any boys give you a hard time tell me and i will come there and beat them for you j/k again :-D its good to have another girl in the automotive community(no i am not a girl)....and congrats :p [addsig]

Thats great. I went to a tech school and the first 2 years I was in painting and decorating/ carpentry, Which is all boys, I had to attend classes for being one of the first girls in the now co-ed shop. I loved it and they guys treated me as one of there own untill desided I wanted to be a hairdresser and joined the cosometology shop. I now work in a salon, but I love my Jeep and I dont mind getting dirty. So I guess there is still some tomboy left in me. :p You Go Girl!!!![addsig]

Chip off the ol block! Now Dad will really have a kick butt jeep. Good choice and I don't think to many guys are going to pick on you from what all I have been told. Afton seem to know her own mind and takes crap from no one. Good Luck tug[addsig]


I'm happy to annouce that I did talk to the big kahunna last night.... and he said that he was proud of me, and I'm pretty sure that he support me 110% :lol:
Thanks for the support from all. I'm not that scared of the gender thing, I'm a pretty tough cookie, and I think that tug got it all right... when he said that I don't take crap from ANYONE. A true city girl in the burbs, I can't wait to see what this one's going to be like. As for purpley.... thanx, but the only make-up and hair I'll ever do is my own, that takes enough effort out of me in the morning :p .
Jeeper89....I think that if I get a hard time, which I won't, but if I do I'm sure I could manage to kick A myself thanx. [addsig]

Congrats on getting your acceptance to tech school! You will have a blast!
Impress you teacher and ask him or her what the cam lashing on a 41 plymouth flat head straight 6 is! JK

Rock on

Way to go that is awsome, I wish that I would have
done that...well best of luck in it....And stay motivated....... :-D [addsig]


I went to an electrical trade school and we had a woman in our class that could bend conduit better most guys in our class. I give you lots of credit!!! Good choice!

edited by: Jeep#3, Jul 03, 2003 - 01:01 PM[addsig]

We got trade schools here too! Talk your folks into the move to Tennessee and come on with your bad self. I look forward to meeting you at some point and time. Luck Afton Tug[addsig]