I got caught!


New member

Well it was a beautiful day here in Chicago. 90 degress and sunny. I took the doors off and put the top down and went for a ride out to the forest preserves. Then it happened...RAIN! It was my first time being caught with my top down but it was fun! :lol: :lol: [addsig]


All you do is smile the hole way home and stop by
a car wash and use there vacuums to pull out most of the water
and then you pull the plugs and wait for it to dry,... :-D [addsig]

Well, if it makes you feel better, I got caught in the rain twice in the past week. I think I am finally going to give in and put my top back on after it has been off since late April maybe May. It is going to be raining for at least 6 days, so I'd better put it back on. I'll take it back off after the rain goes away. Stay dry!-Al[addsig]

And that she is, she loves to go off roading too, the bumps put her to sleep :p should have named her "Jeepster" :-D [addsig]


You would have got it later in life if
she would have found that out... :lol: :lol: :lol:

You gotta take pictures to show her boyfriend
one day ... HAHAHAHAHAHA[addsig]

Hey....in tennessee me and Pasmokeater just woke up and it looked like it was gonna rain really hard. Neither of us had our tops on so all we did was pull the back carpet out pull the drain plugs and pulled our front ends up on these big logs. SO when it started to rain cats and dogs all we did was sit there and watch the rain flow like a river to the back!! It was great!! hehe then we pulled into mcdonalds (while it is still raining) walk in with our rain coats on and all we heard was....mommy look at the jeeps ....wow you guys are crazy.....dumbass's....cold?....and many other comments that made me proud to be a jeeper!!...fun stuff!!

:lol: :lol: :cool: :cool: [addsig]


Its so funny, you would crack up if you seen my daughter and I drivin round town, we usually have screaming contests. We were at a light today during one of our battles and the rain storm and some old lady gave us a dirty look, shook her head and rolled up her window lol lol lol I love it :lol: Heres a pic of her sound asleep to the humming of my tires lol

edited by: purpleyjgirl, Jul 05, 2003 - 09:54 AM[addsig]

You have to only the people that would
understand are the proud owners of jeeps
we are a breed of our own.......JEEP !!! :-D [addsig]

This Jeepz week was the first time PASmokeater ever had his interior wet and muddy I think and boy was it ever. I think he enjoyed the wet after suffering heat storke with no bikini top for a few days. He had a good tan going by the end. hehehehehe We did get alot of wild looks as we paraded around the area full throttle and topless. It is fun to watch the folks stare aint it! tug[addsig]


What do you think I bought 3 jeeps for???
Because people stare at me >>>HAHAHAHAHAHa :-D

edited by: jhiggins, Jul 03, 2003 - 06:56 PM[addsig]

being a contractor... i'm always up on the weather... i don't get caught in the rain... but I DO end up getting large amounts of mud inside there.... it seems to clean itself out... my passengers are always rubbing the dried mud off the windshield and doors... then i just toss a fresh coat on soon after[addsig]

I also got caught here on the cape, sunny in the morning then rain in the afternoon. Hey at least I got some use out of those wet okole seat covers. :-D [addsig]