Hurricanes Coming


Active member
Figures that once we decide to move to the coast mother nature starts shooting hurricanes at us. Looks like three in a row maybe headed this way. In the words of the Clash...
Should I stay or should I go now?
If I go there will be trouble
An if I stay it will be double
So come on and let me know

We stocked up on essentials in case we stay and we lose power. My wife booked us a hotel near Augusta in case we have to evacuate. Either way the Jeep will stay here and weather the storm.

The Jeep will be alright! Keep an eye on that storm and get out if it gets too close for comfort, or...............

You could wait til the storm hit, get out in the jeep with the top down and have the wife take some pictures for you to post. LOL!!
Keep us informed, and know that we are all here praying mean those pics of you and the jeep with the top down in the Hurricane!
LOL, yeah that sounds like something i'd do in my younger days. I actually did do it once in my Bronco during a tornado warning in Memphis. No pictures though, sorry. Luckily it looks like the first one is going north of us by just a bit. The wife was ready to evacuate as soon as they mentioned the word hurricane but I convinced her to wait and see. One down, two to go. Here's to you Hanna - :bootyshake:.
I had to rush out to the store last night to get a 12 pack of hurricane supplies.... So far so good.

Did y'all forget about Gustav?????? Well, I guess, unless you live here just east of BULLSEYE and you believe everything you hear in the press, you figured it was just a little gust. Just got power back 7 trees down in the just 20 feet from the house. Been eating MRE's for a week and sweltering in the South Louisiana heat. But, hey, New Orleans "dodged the bullet".:shock::roll::roll: Never mind that the S.O.B. carried hurricane force winds all the way to between Alexandria and Shreveport (look on a map).

Talk about being forgotten and out of touch!!!....................

But Mudwoman and I survived (thank you, God!!) much better than those around us.

Muddy, tired, wet, stinky, hungry, depressed, weary, much more respectful of the power of God,
I evac from charleston when floyd came through. If I still lived there, I would hunker down. it took me 9 hours to get to Columbia.