
been hunting every weekend since 13/sep, when archery season came in. muzzleloader season came in a month after that and then rifle season came in a week later. so far, i've killed a bobcat with the bow and a couple of does with the rifle. i hunt in southwest ga.
Kansas whitetail right here. havent hunted this season cuz the season hasnt started yet. i hunt dove, pheasant some. deer is my biggest, rifle. hoping to go elk hunting in wyoming soon.

This past weekend was the juvie hunt here and son Jake came home with no meat for the freezer so I guess we will have to go show the boy that dad can do what the boy can not. I am just not the hunter I once was and would rather help cut and freez the meat than carrie over the hump to the truck these days. I would rather set by the fire and let the boys set in the tree stands and freeze. hehehe Tug
Here are some pictures from last year:

A doe I killed on opening weekend of bow season with my recurve:


The buck I killed with my rifle in November:


The turkey I killed with my recurve in January:


If you want to see all of my 2002 hunting pictures, you can see them here:
DeerHunter, nice work.

Brian4.2, I'm real happy with the 2"x2" and would go that route again. Adds more skid surface, easy to build, and less to snag. Good step too. Same design will work for the TJ, you'll just have to be creative and weld studs or drill the 2x2 to cover the welded bolt heads.

Really big ones! I use a 16ga. shotgun with a 18" barrel and OO buckshot. Usually from a range of about 1/2 inch.

Sorry, I never could get a really good picture of one afterward :twisted:
Bounty, I dont have a problem drilling thru the tub. The problem is underneath you cant run a 4" return cause it hits the footwell, you cant create that no brainer slide cause its a little messy under there. I need to do some creative bending of a heavy 5' long plate.


I hunt pretty much all year. I get calls about wounded or sick game (parasites, malnutrition and lung infections). Mostly wounded on the street, but some wounded by barbed wire and hunters. Deer, Elk and pigs. Some small game and varmints. Hunt Fox pretty intensively in the spring and early summer, they get really out of hand if they aren´t thinned out regularly.
Hunt Pigs in the summer, when the crop damage gets out of hand. Pig hunting, is pretty much the only hunting, that still gets the instincts going strong for me anymore. If a pig survives, to be more than a few years old, they are seriously intellegent. We are slowly but surely, breeding some really smart pigs around here.
We usually don´t shoot the old Sows, if they are smart enough to survive. We leave them to teach, the next generation, to stay out of trouble and avoid man.
I´m not a big advocate of bows. Neck shot from 40 yards, with a major caliber rifle (or 20 yards with a slug), drop them in a pile and go dress your meat. Seen too many Deer and pigs, gaunted by injury and barley surviving, instead of thriving, due to injuries and wounds.
Got a Weimeraner for pointing and tracking (blood spore) and a Jack Russel for small game and flushing game out of the thickets.
Use a Styer SSG in .308, with a Kahles 3-12 and a pair of Optolyth 9X63 binoculars, for work. I´m licensed and insured to shoot in the city limits, if necessary. The military taught me to shoot, the Steyr made me a good shot. Styer is twenty years old and still cuts the same hole at 200 yards. Austrians make a pretty good sniper rifle.
Putting on Hardtop

I have never hunted any game animals beside dove and that was fun as hell....usually we just drive around my friends massive ranch land with a spotlight at night and look for coons, rabits, possums, nutrients and turtles....great fun....I would like to try deer this season maybe but well see
MudderChuck said:
I´m not a big advocate of bows. Neck shot from 40 yards, with a major caliber rifle (or 20 yards with a slug), drop them in a pile and go dress your meat. Seen too many Deer and pigs, gaunted by injury and barley surviving, instead of thriving, due to injuries and wounds.

I have to agree with that sentiment. There's a lot of guys out there who are really competent with a bow and have the decency to only take a shot if they have one, but there sure are plenty of them out there that have no business pointing a bow (some not even a gun) at anything other than a practice target!

Snitty said:
Just got permission from the state to do some beaver hunting

There's nothing like the feeling you get after slaying a nice beaver. I'd be interested in seeing any member's beaver photos if they have any.

8) :shock: :lol: :wink: :roll:
I hunt elk in Wyoming with a .308 rifle. I have lots of turkeys and deer in my front yard so I find hunting them kind of boring. The mountain lion are kind of exciting though. I live on a ranch here is western South Dakota. Happy hunting.

with a bow, deer, turkey, crows, squirrels, rabbits

with a gun, deer, crows, rabbits, squirrels, dove, quail, fox, bobcat, coyote

i hunt ALOT but things have been kinda slow this year. i shoot a pse baby-g and right now im gunless so i might end up using my bow during rifle season. i aslo shoot 3ds in the summer. i take shooting my bow very seriously and practice so much some think im insane at times. basicaly i love hunting


Mudderchuck is a shooter from the sounds of it. I respect one who talks about cutting the same hole at 200 yards. hehehe Just remember Mudder the gun don't cut the same hole, It delivers the slug some better than others but it is the shooter that does the real work a team effort amn and gun. You have a serious job that few would want. You speak as a man that understands his job as well. It is sad that so many get away due to poor aiming skills and bad shots. I to hate that part of hunting. It is a great sport for the hunters, It is the week end yuppie I want to kill a thropy folks that make hunting a shame. Take out the bow, rifel, shot gun even once a year about a week prior to the hunt and polish up their lack of skill then mame a game animal for hope of a luck shot. Then have not enough tracking skills or desire to follow a 3" wide blood trail more than 50 feet if at all. I to frown on this type of hunting. Take it serious or dont take it at all is what I teach my boys. Tug
I agree that some bowhunters are irresponsible. The same can be said for some gun hunters as well. I, like lankchevy, practice with my bow a lot. I shoot 3D quite a bit during the spring and summer as well.

For those of you who do not know what 3D is, it is where they will go out in the woods and place life size animal shaped targets and then put a stake in the ground to shoot from. There will be different stakes for different classes (recurve, long bow, women, compound, etc). You must stand with some part of your body touching the stake and shoot at the target. Your shot is then scored by where you hit the target. This is the best type of practice there is in my opinion.

I limit my shots to distances that I feel very comfortable at. For me, that is twenty yards. I will not shoot past that distance. I only take shots at relaxed, broadside or quartering away animals. My results speak for themselves. Last year I took one shot at a deer and that deer died in about five seconds and only ran fourty yards from where she was shot.

I like Tug's comment "take it serious or don't take it at all". If more hunters had this attitude we would not get some of the bad press that we get.
weekly chat in the chat room

Tug-n-pull said:
Then have not enough tracking skills or desire to follow a 3" wide blood trail more than 50 feet if at all.

Back when i was still a "student hunter" under the "folks"... my lazy stepfather always had a whistle he would blow that screamed "come find, gut, and drag my deer" in our ears when we heard it. Nobody else would go to the whistle, but I REALLY could not see him tracking a deer himself...

one day... i hear "BOOM (whistle blows)"... so about a 20 minutes later, I go to him, expecting a dead kill. "I just shot a nice 7 point, it ran in down that hill over there and died, I know i killed it". NOPE... it was about 2 hours before dark, so i started my walk to find the deer.... In the trail of blood, which happened to be about one drop per 30 feet, I would see by the ground, and amount of blood, that it would lay down about every 100 yards... I KNEW it was injured by the fact that it was trying to lay, rather than run. that also showed me that it could see me much better than i was seeing it. Well... 2.5 hours later, it was pitch dark, had to leave, couldn't see a thing... so I left my hat on a tree to mark my trail so i could continue in the morning...

Next morning... went back... followed the trail down... nearly 300 yards from my continue point, there was a bed spot with warm blood. It was still alive, and couldn't be far away... 3 hours later, I finally caught up to it, trying to climb a "cliff"... I pulled up the gun, and finished him off with a neck shot. Well come to find out, it WASNT a 7 point, it was a 4 point... and it was NO sort of a good shot at all... My stepfather shot the front left leg in half, still hanging... That tough animal moved over a total of 5 hills, covering about 3 miles of distance on 3 and a half legs... these things are tough... We used his tag, I kept the deer, i think i deserved the meat

Snitty, you sure enough earned that venison. That´s why I keep a good dog now, my eyes aren´t what they used to be. I often, take my son with me, his eyes are a whole lot better than mine. My son and I spent 4-5 hours one morning (about 80 degrees out), tracking through some serious Raspberry thickets (about a square mile) for a pig, a gentleman hunter shot. 100 pound boar, that kept running in circles and crossing his own trail (really messed up the dogs). Two dogs were bloody (had to take them to the Vet.) everybodies clothes were in rags. Finally had to dig this pig, out of a big clump of raspberries and finish him, with a pistol from 2 feet (he was gut shot). Guy that shot him, drove up to the edge of the thicket and said that´s my pig I shot him, I looked him in the eye, still holding my pistol and said over my dead body, sucker, sent him packing, with a threat to send him the vet. bills.
I´ve most always, got a small roll of toilet paper in my pocket, to mark a blood trail. Works well for walking in rings, to pick up a lost trail also (makes the forest look festive :lol: ).
I don´t really have an issue with bows, many bow hunters don´t follow Tug´s ethic, take it serious or don´t take it at all. For most, it takes some serious practice, to be any good with a bow. The only real hunting I´ve done with a bow was Crows. Did a good bit of bow fishing. Did Bring down a two year old Mule deer, with a bow (took me 3-4 hours to find him). Put an arrow through both lungs. Like mentioned before, some deer go into shock and just lay down, some are really tough and refuse to give up.
To put the bow hunting thing in perspective, I usually find dozens (probably closer to a hundred) of fawns, dead from, tractors, combines and cultivation machinery. Bow hunters make a pretty small dent in the population.
If Replicar wants some excitement, try stalking the edge of a thicket or corn field and interrupting some Boar napping. This sucker pops up, turns and snorts, over four feet tall at the hump, probably 300+ pounds, maybe six feet away. Your standing there thinking, one shot (bolt action rifle) and hoping this sucker decides to run the other direction. Serious pucker factor. Or walking through the woods in the middle of the night, with a sow as big as a Volkswagen following behind you, at about 30 yards, wondering if she is curious or hungry. Seen a large sow, eat a whole deer (road kill) in a half an hour, left a handfull of bone slinters and hair behind. Cougars don´t scare me much.