I mentioned a while back that I got a Rusty's engine/transmission/oil pan skid for my '06 TJ. Well, I took it wheeling for the first time since I installed the skid yesterday at Rausch Creek. I'll save the details for another thread when I get the pictures in order, but going through some rock beds I 'tweaked' my engine/oil pan skid. It's not too bad, but I'd like to straighten it out. It's fairly thick metal though, so I'm not sure what I'll need to get it straight. Will removing it from the Jeep and beating it with a sledgehammer be enough, or is there another trick I should know about?? The tweaked skid and the check engine light I mentioned in another thread were the only problems with my TJ. Some other members of our group weren't so lucky - we had one TJ with a broken track bar and an XJ that cut a tire and didn't have a spare the correct size (he had a stock spare, but was running 32's so I'm sure his gearbox was loving that. Anyway, it was a lot of fun, but I'm not sure how to attack this skidplate. Any help is appreciated!