How to remove the heater control knobs without destroying them


New member
I am dismantling my rusty, but trusty 82 CJ5 for a new frame and Kevlar body.(Oh yeah!)
On the dashboard, all is coming off ok except the knobs for the temp, defrost and heat controls. I am pulling these like a truck, but they are not budging.
Anyone know of a good trick to remove these? I'd like to reuse them.
Thanks for the help!


Ok, I got one off by twisting, rolling and pulling. The cable has ridges and the knob is tough, but the glue inside is what is holding these things together like this. Whatever it is, it's tough glue.
I think I will be able to get the others off, but I will have to find something to grab the knobs with because my hand is raw.
Whoda thunk this would be the tough part? I suppose it's better than having the knobs come off in your hand when you just want to open the vents.

Have a grateful day!
You aren't supposed to pull the knobs off. You'll never get them back on as well again, and if your controls are has hard to move as mine, they won't stay on when you pull them. The aftermarket ones don't seem to be tough enough... I have gone through a few vent cables b/c the knob pops off.

The controls feed through the hole in the dash and snap into place. You have to pinch the plastic on the back side of the dash to have them come back out. I'd reccommend just leaving them in as you remove the dash. You should just disconnect the cable connections on the heater box and they'll just come with. It would be easier to remove them from the dash panel when you can see the back side.
Well that make a ton of sense. Thanks for the info. I'm normally good at figuring out the engineering, but this just sliped past me. Funny how something so simple could give you fits like this.
I'm glad you to have access to you guys who have done this before.
Thanks a bunch.


No prob. If you come up with a good way to glue the knobs you already pulled off back on, let me know. I've got a vent knob in need of gluing.