How quick can you move?


New member
Well, I am renting my house out and moving to another house I just purchased close to the lake. My question is, how quick can you move? I have given myself around 6 days to be completely out, but given my last six moves were all done professionally, I am really getting confused. They pack one day and have you in or out the next. My existing house is around 1700 sq ft with a two car garage which is full, not to mention my storage shed. I am thinking of using my suv's for the most part to transport most of the our things since we are only moving 4 miles from home, and am thinking of moving the large stuff in one day. Is this possible? Am I thinking way too much of myself? LOL It will be myself and the Wife doing all the moving. Am I being realistic? Thanks and Take Care, "Tired of moving."

If you are moving all your appliances and have a whole bunch of big stuff (couches, dressers, beds) it might save you a lot of time to rent a truck for one day and move all the big stuff at once- much easier to load that stuff onto a big truck with a ramp than hoisting into a SUV. The boxes you can carry back and forth , but it takes a huge amount of time running back and forth with just a few things (especially when every stop at the new house requires looking around, arranging stuff, and a couple of beers- mandatory). I think you can easily pull it off in six days, if you're the organized type and have everything you need ready to go- like all the right size boxes, packing material, etc. I used our clothes and towels and sheets as packing material for the more fragile stuff. Mud and I moved down here about a month ago, but we left most of our stuff in North Carolina. If it didn't fit in a 6X12 trailer, my YJ or his truck, it wasn't coming. We're really wishing we had brought our bed- our blow up bed now requires re-inflating in the middle of the night- bummer. Good luck!
We bumped up our move from MD to PA a month early on short notice so we could do some work to and list the old house on the market. The market showed signs of slowing so we wanted to move ASAP. We moved in 3 days with a rented truck and 5 guys. I have a CDL so we got a pretty big truck. We made 2 trips, the first with all the big stuff while the packing was happening, when we got back to the old house we loaded stuff as it was packed. It was mayhem but we got it done. I slept very little. Rushing the packing was the worst part. It made unpacking and organizing a much more difficult task. Get all the help you can. If we can do it in 3, you can do it in 6.

When it was over I told my wife I would never move without a moving company again.
I've only moved 3 or 4 times. The first couple were when I was in an apartment with my bro, and once when we bought a house together. We each had a pickup, and a few friends to help.....good thing was, both apartments came with appliances (washer, dryer, dishwasher, stove, fridge), so we didn't have to move them. When we moved to the house, we had the appliances delivered by the store we bought them at. I've helped friends move several times. One of them moved every 90 days for 3 years (he would pay first and last month's rent, then move to another). That got old, but we got it down so good that we could have him moved in about 3 hours with one truck and two cars.

When my ex and I moved twice (once from her place in Newton, about 40 miles away, and once across town here (about 1/2 mile) we rented a U-Haul. Both moves were done in about a day and a half, including all the packing. I later helped my brother move from Wichita to his house a couple of blocks from here, and rented the biggest U-Haul truck they had, which was about 3 city blocks long!! We had it done in one trip and about 6 hours with him, his wife, my mom and dad, and me.

I only moved 1 time after I had alot of stuff, though I didn't want to move the house fire pretty much forced me to. Only bad thing was everything That would have need moved was in the fire :cry: Since then I really have not gotten a bunch of stuff that I couldn't move in 1 trip with the WJ. ( the folding seats Kick @ss)
I have to be out of my place this coming saturday...which only leaves me 5 days at the most. Oh, and I haven't even started yet. I do only have to go 10 miles though, so it shouldn't be too bad.

I'll let you know if it's possible or not! haha!!

I am taking leave for the whole week, and we have packed up a few things but most is not. The wife doesn't want to pack the dishes, just put them in a rubber made and off they go. I think we can do it, but you know how you think you only have a truckload of stuff until you start emptying closets and such. I know when are stuff arrived here from overseas last year, we had three quarters of the semi truck. I think it was around 15,000 lbs. It's going to be rough, but I'll have plenty of cold beer and my buddy told me today I could use his 15 ft flatbed trailer. Good Luck to the rest of you during your moves. I too said after this last move, I wouldn't do it again, but I guess I got ants in my pants. Take Care, KJ