How do you take the front bumper off a 93 ZJ

what i did was i found a steep hill on this trail we used to ride. i climbed it as high as i could in my 96 zj. when i couldnt go any higher, i put her back into neutral and let it go down the hill... walla!! bumper removed.

if you want to do it so that you can use it again... the bumper is mainly held on by those christmas tree plugs. if you dont know what i'm talking about, someone else will help describe them. pop the hood, there are 4 screws holding in your grille (2 top, 2 head on from the front), remove those, place grille aside, start removing plugs. there are also some underneath, about 4-5. once they're all out, pull straight out towards you, there are brackets on either side that hold them onto metal pegs on the body of the vehicle. i'm not sure what your reason for removing this is, but if you want to put it back on at some point, you'll have to go to autozone or some store and buy some more christmas tree plugs for like $2. i think i usually buy the chrysler ones and they fit well. good luck.
get alll the bolts that u can then tie it a tree pull gentale dnt yank it all most blew out my rear window when i did my back bumper lol:-) lol thats what i do