How do I disable the annoying "Beep" when I lock the Rubi


New member
I need some help figuring out how to disable the horn sounding when I lock my 2010 JK via the key fob. Nothing is more annoying when that bloody thing sounds off as I walk away from the truck. I can't find anything in the manual/DVD. Any help would be great.

A Jeep has locks?New to me,I would never lock mine even if I could.I rather some one open the door than cut the roof.Also hard to lock the doors in the summer time if you dont have doors.
That's a customer feature that can be disabled from the customer preferrence menu through the Chrysler diagnostic scantool. I'll see if there is a way to disable that manually when I get to work today.
I searched for a manual disable procedure for the siren not to sound when the key fob is depressed, i found nothing, sorry. Your best bet is to take it to a dealer and ask them to see if that siren has a programmable feature that can disable the siren chirp during keyfob operation.