Holy Tigers Batman!!!


New member
WOW! I can't beleive they KO'd the Yankees in just 4 games.

Holy smokes I thought for sure they would run through the ALDS and ALCS and win another World Series. Yeah I'm an Orioles fan and the Yankees are the enemy, but you can't help but to admire that batting lineup. Incredible depth. A-Rod in the #6 hole???? Oh well, I guess money can buy players, but not wins.

that lineup was one of the most potent lineups i've ever seen in my life. i can't talk as a sox fan, cause they didn't even make the playoffs, but i can't say i'm not smiling now that the yankees are out, and judge, you know you were smiling when the sox didn't make the playoffs. and probably rolling on the ground laughing after the "boston massacre." (by the way, i was on the ground crying.... not really, but i felt like it)

Detroit has a sick pitching staff. Pitching always beats hitting. Even when you have an all-star lineup. Game 3, detroit brought in a reliever that was painting the corners with a 103 mph fastball. I dont care who you are, thats tough to hit.

Baseball is over for me...Cant watch my Yankees win and cant watch the redsox lose :)

Maybe I will tune in for Cardinal games. Pujols is probably the greatest hitter in the game today.
Disturbingly enough, I'm not gonna be watching the game tonight. Gubernatorial debate at 8. I just can't want till them Californians come to Michigan... Got a fire in the woodstove, and it's only getting colder!
Disturbingly enough, I'm not gonna be watching the game tonight. Gubernatorial debate at 8. I just can't want till them Californians come to Michigan... Got a fire in the woodstove, and it's only getting colder!

lol, I'm pulling for Detroit. I like Jim Leyland and hey... they busted a cap in the Evil Empire - what's not to love?

Go Tigers!
Back when I was a rabid baseball fan, I was National League all the way. But i'm all for anyone who whips the Yankees!! Go Tigers!!!

What's that noise? Gunshots in the suburbs?!? That can only mean... TOTAL SWEEP AND GOIN' TO THE WORLD SERIES!!! What a last hit, I mean WOW! Talk about crunch time... I am pleased :D

Go tigers!!!!!! love the idea of a wild card taking it all, and beating the yanks. Such a shame my gators lost today...