HOLY COW, its been a wile


New member
been a long wile. got myself a job profesionaly painting interiors and exteriors of just about any building you can thinkg of. and what do ya know, it pays. ya'll know what that means. well, lets put it this way, i may need to change my name in the corner. this fella up the street from me has a nice little YJ that i have been eying for quite some time now. not sure of the year but it has a monochrome grill, soft top and 31s. i havent seen it being driven in quite some time and has a flat right rear tire. the last time i did see it mobile it sounded very strong. im not too worried about it not running, i can fix that. the question i have for ya'll is as follows. how do i walk up and ask the owner if i may purchase sead Jeep. the hightest i would be able to afford is about $500 (hay i never sayd it payed good.) anyway ill be here and there, but mostly here. hahaha. come on that was funny. anyway im back so dont try anything funny.

well i think im head'n over there today to see about that Jeep. ill let yall know what happens.