Hockey Fans...Joe Thorton

BTW, I have season tickets for Thrashers and go to most of the games so if any of you guys (or gals) ever get lost and end up in Atlanta and are interested in a Thrashers game let me know...
Special_K said:
BTW, I have season tickets for Thrashers and go to most of the games so if any of you guys (or gals) ever get lost and end up in Atlanta and are interested in a Thrashers game let me know...

I'm pretty sure the Thrashers were the team my son tried out for. I'll have to ask him when he comes over tonight.

i was better than ilya kovalchuk, but i decided i'd rather go to school.

i wish! if i were half as good as him, i wouldnt be worried about graduating in the spring!
bchcky said:
hockey is by far my favorite sport to play. but i think i most enjoy watching college football. then college hockey. the nhl just doesnt do it for me until the playoffs. nothing beats the nhl playoffs. but then again, nothing beats a pep band and 70,000 kids packed into a college football stadium.

For me...I can't stand college football. For one reason: There is NO champion. Never has been, never will be, until they institute a playoff system. Until then, they are paperchamps...all of them. Then, I'll be one of their biggest fans.

Darn it, my Sharks lost to the Yotes. Farg.
it'll never happen. capital one bowl week is my favorite time of the year. get rid of the bcs, but keep the current bowl system. its college football, always has been, always will be.

bchcky said:
it'll never happen. capital one bowl week is my favorite time of the year. get rid of the bcs, but keep the current bowl system. its college football, always has been, always will be.

Unfortunately, that's true. And I'll not be watching any of the many meaningless bowl games yet again. Real sports titles are earned not voted on.

I wish people would get out of their paradygms about such things. The only way that change will be enacted is through the ratings of the games taking a hit, which will never happen because people are too willing to "be okay" this mediocre system and continue watching.
not even a ratings drop would do it. the reason the bowl system is so deeply entrenched is that schools get a lot of money when their teams make it to a bowl. and as everyone knows, football is played once a week for a reason, so you cant have a 64 team tourney like basketball. the max a playoff system would probably get away with in college would be 8 teams. meaning all those other teams that would have been bowl eligible in past seasons will get no money this time around.

like i said before, ditch the BCS, and go back to the old way. i was on the playoff bandwagon for a little while, but the more and more i think about it, bowls are to college football what march madness is to college basketball. and again, i'm a sucker for a pep band. attending pro sporting events doesnt do it for me, student sections at big colleges do it.
Since we're talkin' about hockey.........I, too, love college football but can't stand the bowl season or the way our "National Champion" is chosen. I-A College football is the ONLY sport at ANY level that does not decide their champion through a tournament or playoff. I'm quite sure all these money-grubbing *******s could figure out a way to do it and still reap millions upon millions for the schools involved. Time to get with the program.

EDIT: *******s = bastids or thereabouts