

New member
I didn't see an introduction thread...so, how you doin? I had an '87 wrangler years ago and lately have been missing the fun I used to have with it. So, in a few months (hopefully) I'll be trading in my '05 Cavalier for a Rubicon.
I've found that the best place for information on any vehicle is an enthusiasts forum. Yeah, alldata and Mitchell have info but not the everyday problems you may see while using the jeep to its fullest potential. ;)
I'm looking forward to posting and talking to you all. With the many years of automotive experience that I have (30 years, MasterTech certified), I may be able to help here and there. I'm sure you all can give me ideas and pointers on suspension upgrades and the like. :D


Welcome aboard!! Always glad to have new members, whether they have mechanical experience or not. Each member contributes in his own way. Personally, I contribute as a punching bag and the butt of a lot of jokes. I do what I can. :lol: Tell us a bit more about yourself; married? kids? hobbies (besides Jeeps)? where ya from? how'd you find us?

Pull up a rusty wheel and sit a spell. I'm sure you're going to love it here.;) Again, welcome to the "Z"! 8)
Welcome to the Z. There are many of us that just lurk in the shadows but we occasionally are drawn out to welcome new members. This is a real good group of people and I think you'll like it here!!
Originally Posted by TwistedCopper
Hey welcome... got a pic of the Rubi?

Originally Posted by Heydace
So, in a few months (hopefully) I'll be trading in my '05 Cavalier for a Rubicon.


Well, Mingez, you know how the "noobs" are..........don't read just post!!:purple: :purple: :purple: :purple: :purple: :purple: :p :p :p

As soon as I get the rubicon, I'll post pics of it...covered in mud. :-)

Yep, married with children. 3 girls. Oldest is my step daughter @21, then an 8 year old and a 6 year old. I pretty much grew up in MA. A few years overseas in Germany during the cold war (Trp C, 1st Squadron, 4TH Cavalry)...if that rings a bell for anyone, just E-mail me. :-)
Grew up on a dairy farm where we had to pretty much fix everything ourselves, including machining our own parts. So I guess thats how I became a mechanic.
We did have an old WW2 jeep that we used on the farm, so I guess thats where the jeep thing came from. :lol: There is not much else to me. I drink Budwieser, don't like "fruity drinks", hunt, fish and smoke whatever I catch or kill. I got some killer recipes. :-)

As soon as I get the rubicon, I'll post pics of it...covered in mud. :-)

Yep, married with children. 3 girls. Oldest is my step daughter @21, then an 8 year old and a 6 year old. I pretty much grew up in MA. A few years overseas in Germany during the cold war (Trp C, 1st Squadron, 4TH Cavalry)...if that rings a bell for anyone, just E-mail me. :-)
Grew up on a dairy farm where we had to pretty much fix everything ourselves, including machining our own parts. So I guess thats how I became a mechanic.
We did have an old WW2 jeep that we used on the farm, so I guess thats where the jeep thing came from. :lol: There is not much else to me. I drink Budwieser, don't like "fruity drinks", hunt, fish and smoke whatever I catch or kill. I got some killer recipes. :-)

What part of Mass? When I was a kid I lived in North Attleboro, then Needham, then we moved to the Cape (Yarmouth). Moved away from the area in 1981.