Hiya All / Winter Jeepin


New member
Stubborn Torx bolts #%@&!!!

Im new to the site. Actually Im new to Jeeping... Actually Im so new to Jeeping that I havent even gotten mine yet. Its a 95 sahara virgin jeep (no mods.....Yet). Hard Top. Only has 76000 miles on it and is in near perfect condition. It needed a new clutch so im just waiting for that to be fixed and then all the systems need to be checked over and anything replaced that needs to be. So i was told about a week to a week and a half... that was last tuesday. So any day now!! :mrgreen: Im psyched as hell. Ill be sure to get pics asap to post.
I got it in from a place in Framingham MA called Cheap Jeeps. Anyone ever heard of it? I myself live in central Vermont. Which leads me to my question.
With winter comming fast, and me living in VT, i can expect my share of snow ice and cold. I would like a day in the life of a jeep owner in the bitter northeast. any info about winter driving. What its like, what to look out for, any interesting stories. anything you think wou8ld be helpful or interesting.
Thanks and Hello!

Welcome, sounds like you found a nice Jeep. While you're having the clutch put in, make sure they replace the transmission fluid with the proper type. Use either Redline MT90 or Penzoil Synchromesh.

Problem stems from Jeep recommending the wrong type gear oil for the transmission, they recommended GL5 in the owner's manuals. GL5 is highly corrosive to the soft brass synchronizers in the AX5 and AX15 trannies (you have the AX15). Replace it now and you're likely to have caught it early enough.

The Redline is best, it's synthetic, but hard to find locally. Usually has to be ordered from the net at www.summitracing.com or www.redlineoil.com :D

Sorry to bore you with technical stuff right off the bat, but this should be caught early. Again, Welcome to jeepz.com, I think you'll like it here.

Here's me winter wheeling a few years ago :twisted:
If you have not owned a 4wd before I will give you some advice. ALWAYS remember just because you have twice the traction accelerating the Jeep always stops the same. A lot of people here in utah think they are invincible when it snows and think that if they have plenty of tracktion when they start out that the roads arn't as slick so they drive too fast and cant stop running in to all sorts of things.

Sorry about the rant I just can not stand to be on the road with idiots when there is snow on the groung.
Believe me young, i am not one of those. I share you enthusiastic hatred for moronic winter drivers. Living in Vermont i share the road w/ my share of them. comming up from the south for the skiing, snowmobiling, ect. I am not one to think a 4x4 will make me invincible in the snow. I have been driving in some pretty heavy snows for as long as ive had my lisence and have learned more than a thing or 2... I used to drive down back roads with my pos ford escort and a suicide knob pulling controled fishtails for miles. Im a little bit of a maniac (only cause i know the conditions and what im doing)when it comes to winter driving but not stupid... there is a difference.. believe me.
Im looking more for things like ... how warm is it in the winter? (it can get pretty damn cold here in VT) suggested parts and equipment? Things you all have learned over the years of driving Jeeps?
But thaks for you comment all feed back is helpful for me. :D

Ah Vermont... I was born in Rutland VT. and I have many friends up there still. Last time I was up there the doors in my YJ froze shut!!! The hard top is a definate plus for the winter cold, and to help it more I would tint the back windows to get some more heat in there... Avyoung has a good point there too, not that you already know about driving in the snow... But I was up there last winter with my jeep horsin around on some back roads... the snow bank stopped me before the brakes did, got stuck reeeaal good. The rest of the time up there my buddies were callin my new Yj the "Barbie Jeep"
Now I know, and knowing is half the battle.
if youve got a hard top you'll be fine for heat. its surprising how fast and how well jeeps heat up ( once ya get them started! )

easy way to keep the doors from freezing shut... spray all the rubber gaskets with silicon spray.....
Weber 38 alright by me!

Buy a Bestop WindJammer and you only have to heat half the jeep in the winter, and the interior will warm up quicker, if you don't use the rear much.

When I had a hard top, I cut a piece of 1" thick foil backed insulation just big enough to fit inside the hardtop. Set the ensulation over the rollbar and visors before putting the top on, and then set the top on. The insulation really helps and the foil reflects heat, plus it won't move since it's between the top and the rollbar.
Food Drive Trail Run in CT/New England

You may already have figured on this one, but the one thing i found out the hard way when i got my jeep in the winter was this. Being a short wheelbase, it will give you a sudden view of whats behind you if your not careful when your on slick roads :shock: :lol: so be careful there


Welcome aboard! I have been to Cheap jeeps, don't be surprised by the name, it is a very reputable dealership, and does all its maintance on site!
Hope to wheel with ya some day! Have fun with the new toy!
