hero during mayhem


New member
What a horrible event. Another senseless shooting. People are freakin' nuts these days :(

I can't imagine what it must be like for the woman who lost her two girls and her husband is badly wounded. I'm glad that this woman took him down. She's a hero and I am certain she saved many lives with her concealed handgun:



Although unfortunate and sad that individuals had to lose their lives and others wounded, one can only wonder how much worse the situation would have been if not for the actions of Ms. Assam. She may credit a higher power for guiding her actions, but I believe her training as a police officer really kicked in when necessary. Who says a concealed handgun license-holder is a detriment to society? Not I, that's for sure.
She may credit a higher power for guiding her actions, but I believe her training as a police officer really kicked in when necessary.

Well considering there were two trained on duty armed male guards with weapons drawn who both froze instead of fired I'd say her prayer went a long way beyond the training.

Shooting a firearm accurately, especially a handgun, takes skill and training. Shooting one accuratly in a high stress situation like that takes much, much more and that cannot be trained.

At any rate, chalk one up for the legally armed citizen.

What kind of society are we living in that requires armed guards at church? I'm sick of this nonsense and 'bout ready to start kickin some arse!

Did I tell you that I went to a female friend of mine's wedding a few weeks ago and the groom's sister was kidnapped and raped after the rehearsal dinner. Yeah, that happened in my hometown. Their family was up from Florida for the wedding and the girl and cousin were returning to the hotel when a man surprised them from under a set of stairs. He forced them at gunpoint back into the car and proceeded to the clean out the nearest ATM. He then forced the girl to drive back behind my old highschool stadium where he kicked the older girl out of the car and raped the younger girl. He fled on foot and the girls found their way to a nearby hospital. Suspect has not been identified nor found. Talkin about ruining a wedding. I bought my wife a handgun two days later.
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What kind of society are we living in that requires armed guards at church? I'm sick of this nonsense and 'bout ready to start kickin some arse!

I bought my wife a handgun two days later.

That's my next major purchase as soon as I scrape the money together for an XD45. Thinking the compact one, not the sub-com, but the 4" compact .45ACP. http://www.springfield-armory.com/xd.php?model=23

And guards at churches? Yea it's sad. You know the saying though. Gun free zones are only gun free to those that abide by the law.
Red, I don't know how well your wife knows guns, or what her mindset is, but I thought I might mention this website for you to consider showing to her:


It has some great info, tips, and philosophy about gun ownership for women and their husbands. Check it out if you have not seen it.

It was a sad occasion. The spokesman yesterday intimated that she was his bodyguard. He stopped just before he said it. This church is one of the newly evolved mega-churches. They were prepared for such a circumstance.

The picture is getting odd as it is presented in Colorado...
Red, I don't know how well your wife knows guns, or what her mindset is, but I thought I might mention this website for you to consider showing to her:


It has some great info, tips, and philosophy about gun ownership for women and their husbands. Check it out if you have not seen it.

She has only been out shooting with me once right after we bought her a gun. Two buddies of mine are small arms instructors for the AL National Guard and they gave her some structured training in the fundamentals. Plus, she doesn't listen to me anyway.
The gun I bought her is a new Walther PPK-S in .380. The reason for this gun is that it has a mechanical safety and also is double action on the first round. Walther has a good reputation for reliability and the gun is small, but not too small. I have to work on the gun a little because it is new, stiff and tight. The safety is stiff and so is the spring on the slide...almost to the point where it is difficult for her to load.
I let her shoot my XD40 and she liked it much better, but it's a little on the large side and does not need to be near our curious child. It is well worked in and runs like a sewing machine.
Anybody own one of those tiny little Kel-Tec's?
She has only been out shooting with me once right after we bought her a gun. Two buddies of mine are small arms instructors for the AL National Guard and they gave her some structured training in the fundamentals. Plus, she doesn't listen to me anyway.
The gun I bought her is a new Walther PPK-S in .380. The reason for this gun is that it has a mechanical safety and also is double action on the first round. Walther has a good reputation for reliability and the gun is small, but not too small. I have to work on the gun a little because it is new, stiff and tight. The safety is stiff and so is the spring on the slide...almost to the point where it is difficult for her to load.
I let her shoot my XD40 and she liked it much better, but it's a little on the large side and does not need to be near our curious child. It is well worked in and runs like a sewing machine.
Anybody own one of those tiny little Kel-Tec's?

Checkout that website, you'll see it adresses a couple of the issues you mentioned (an alternative racking the slide method for women for example).

The Cornered Cat is almost legendary and well respected.

I looked at it briefly at the site while ago. Looks right up her alley.
Her instructors showed her the alternate method for pulling the slide. It's a good thing, I never would have thought for her to do it that way. The spring is pretty tight.
Anybody own one of those tiny little Kel-Tec's?

My brother-in-law had a .380 caliber Kel-Tec P-3AT for a while. We couldn't figure out any way to remove the slide for proper cleaning, and I really don't think the slide is designed to be removed by the end user. The trigger pull is so long compared to, say, a Walther or Bersa, or most any other handgun. When you expected your trigger pull to activate the firing pin, you were only at the halfway point on the trigger pull. Plus, that little Kel-Tec would jam on about every 3rd round. I've been with him twice at the firing range with that pistol, and every time it jammed at least once for each magazine we put through it. The last time he and I fired it was mid-August this year. He sold it the next morning. On a positive note, the Kel-Tec P-3AT is very compact and ideal for concealed carry.
My advice: avoid this particular Kel-Tec product.
Maybe I'm just old school, but I carry a nice little snub-nosed 38. Don't have to worry about picking up my rounds and by god if I have to shoot someone and can't hit them with 6 shots I better be running...:shock:

Maybe I'm just old school, but I carry a nice little snub-nosed 38. Don't have to worry about picking up my rounds and by god if I have to shoot someone and can't hit them with 6 shots I better be running...:shock:

Yeah, I agree. If I need more than 6 shots, I should be thinkin about runnin not shootin.
Revolvers are definitley choice weapons and I own several. Due to the fact that they don't have a mechanical safety I am forced to keep them locked up away from my inquisitive little 20 month old.
I have a lovely Colt .357 that would make a burglar cry for his mommy.
A revolver definately has it's benefits. No feeding reliability issues is one of them. some of them have safeties now, but I'm not a big advocate for safeties now that I have had the chance to shoot and carry a few different guns. I prefer a bigger capacity. Food for thought... Jeanne Assam squeezed off 12 rounds at the bad guy.

I carry an XD40 sub compact 90% of the time. That has changed a few times but I always seem to return to the trusty XD - which, I might add, I bought under the advice of Jeepz gun owners responding to a thread I posted ;)

Geez, I can't believe I have been carrying less than a year. I have shot so often, been in training classes, and gone through owning and trading, ahem, a few different pistols. I have learned so much and really enjoy time at the range as both training and stress release. Sure I have owned long guns for years (since I was a kid) but was green obout pistols. I lived in Maryland before... there was no (legal) need for me to own a handgun as for home defense the 12 ga shotty is king.