Yesterday I cleaned my IAC and replaced my TPS. I STARTED to work on the valve cover gasket but didn't have the right socket.
Drove my 92 (automatic) to work this morning and going uphill I noticed a high pitched noise, only when accelerating. Kind of like a whistling/grinding maybe? It stopped when I took my foot off the gas. Up the really big hill, however, towards the top it felt like I was losing power. Like I was foot fully on the gas but was decreasing in speed. What happened? What could this be? Did I mess up putting anything back together with the system I was working on? Hoping to get some leads before I leave work today so I know whether to take it to the shop near here or take it home to work on.

This vacuum hose (?) seems loose, and the next one has a tiny crack in it. (Not the phoso of my actual jeep, photo stolen from the internet).

Drove my 92 (automatic) to work this morning and going uphill I noticed a high pitched noise, only when accelerating. Kind of like a whistling/grinding maybe? It stopped when I took my foot off the gas. Up the really big hill, however, towards the top it felt like I was losing power. Like I was foot fully on the gas but was decreasing in speed. What happened? What could this be? Did I mess up putting anything back together with the system I was working on? Hoping to get some leads before I leave work today so I know whether to take it to the shop near here or take it home to work on.

This vacuum hose (?) seems loose, and the next one has a tiny crack in it. (Not the phoso of my actual jeep, photo stolen from the internet).