Help! short? wont start!


New member
this just in: i'm just a moron, jeep is fine. well except for the rattling still, but at least it started up

some how I don't think the 2 are related.. does it crank? does it attempt to fire? is the battery dead? more info would be helpful
thats crazy... Did you leave your door open and kill the battery ? ( you had the radio on ? )
no, the battery isnt dead. i get power, but it doesnt start to turn. i get a weird sound. when the car is off (which is always, since i cant start it) sometimes my radar flicker's on and off. so the battery has power, but it just doesnt remain on.

Sounds like a dead battery, or bad connection at the battery terminals. Totally unrelated to the brake work.

You shouldn't of had to remove a cotter pin to remove the brake rotor. Remove the two 7mm hex caliper bolts behind the caliper. Lift the caliper up and wire it out of the way. The rotor will then come off (may have to remove metal washers around lugs).
just because the radar detector comes on doesnt mean you're getting enough amps to crank.... check the battery connections, clean them, and if necessary, put it on charge and/or try a different battery.
Clean the battery terminals, get rid of any build up on there, use some scotch brite if you don't have a termianl cleaner. if still nothing check your ignition fuses and relays.

if all else fails call me up, I will tap it with a ice scraper!

So what was the problem? Besides you stating you're a moron? :lol: