{help} bending push rods


New member
I have a 1982 cj5 2.5 4-cylinder. I have just had the head reworked they replaced 1 valve. I also put new push rods and lifters. It cranked it and it ran perfect. After it cooled down I went to start it back and it bent a push rod again. it is a different one that gets bent everytime. I am lost with what to do next.

Welcome to Jeepz. Have a machine shop check the valve guides and valves on the exaust and intake side. Had this happen on my 64 t-bird with a 390. As it turned out, the guides were too tight and there wasn't enough clarance between the valve stems and guides.
The gas was very old (3 years). I drained all of it out of the tank and have my second tank of good gas in it now. When they did my head they had to hammer the intake valves out. What can I put in it to clean the valves just in case that is the problem again ? Thanks ofr everyones help

Did they mill the head? your push rods may be too short, guides too tight like SH said.

Since this is an overhead valve engine I would try to clean up the valve stems before running it again. Mystery oil and injector cleaner in the new gas did work for me on one engine but I did that before I knew how badly stuck the valves can get. If they all seem to move OK "by hand" you might try it. If any of them are stuck really bad (like they don't return home unless "helped" by the piston) your safest bet would be to pull off the head and take it all apart to clean and lube the valve stems. You can check for bent valve stems or other damage while you're in there. Old gas is not a fun thing to learn about "the hard way" - been there. Best of luck, hope you'll be Jeepin soon - John
Thank you !!! Its still a little early, but so far so good. Iused seafoam in a spray can and also used marvel mystery oil in the gas and oil. The seafoam was $11.00 for the can (best money I've spent). I sprayed each valve down and also sprayed down the push rods so it would get the lifters cleaned back up. I put about 85 miles on her then let it cool down and it started back and is running good. I never knew old gas could cause so much trouble. Like I said thank you all for your help.
Cool, 85 miles on the new gas with mystery oil should mean you're probably OK. Nice to see a CJ5 join the ranks... Best of luck - John

Glad to hear it worked! You can also ad some seafoam to the oil to continue the cleaning process... And the gas as well! Just read the can, the isntructions are all there. I have to say, I just LOVE seafoam!