Hello strangers


New member
Just a quick note to say how you all doing! I am good and just working way too much. Now see you around the next curve. tug

Good to hear from you Tug.

Working way too much is better than working way too little

I was just wondering where you were. Good to see you.

RE: Oil Pressure Gauge/Sender?

No strangers here, Tug. Just a bunch of friends all concerned about ya'. Good to hear from ya - don't be such a stranger (yeah, I know, that's easier said than done). Good to hear from ya again......holler back soon!
RE: Fuel tank help please

Great to see a post from you! At least you're working! I'm still trying to find work and living like I was being paid six figures!

Mr. Tug :) Good to hear from you again, hope all is well... Keep on truckin :)
RE: old jeep

Hey!!! What's up Tug?

It sure has been a long time! Hope everything's going well for you...and hopefully you check in here more often!

Hey hey hey... Tug m'man... good to hear from you... what sorta road stories ya got for us?
Now we have to keep this thread going until Tug checks back in again, to keep it easily found at the top of the forum ;)

Tug, care to share where your travels have taken ya?

Well just got back in! Been cleaning up a train wreck in Valdosta Ga for the most of June! 11 cars of Soy beans!!! Ever smell rotting Soy Beans!!! Not a good thing at all. Got er Donr though. Next Job is going to be in North Ga up around Agusta! Then over to Chatanooga. Then who knows where I be sent to.

I sure do miss the whole Jeepz thing but I love the work and the steady Pay Check!!! That most of all.

I have a Jeep fund set a side and I will be shopping for one ASAP. You know me looking for a YJ that is not too worn out to build and ride. I got plenty of plans just no time. You know the ol story when you have the money no time and vice a versa!!!

Good to know you all have not forgotten me! So many new faces around here I wish I had a few weeks to just meet and greet all of them. I spread the word of jeepz when ever I meet a Jeeper on the road. Tehy all say they will check it out but you know how that goes.

Alabama Georgia the Carolinas Kentucky all seem to have many good looking rides out there. See a bunch of trailer queens and some on road off orad rides that look real strong as well. Makes me crazy but you can only do what time and the wife allows you to do.

Thanks to all for responding to my post! I will get in here and share a few road stories asap! Keep on jeepen and have a great summer! tug