Hell in a handbasket

Will this bad boy fit? 39.5 Bogger

mingez said:
Don't forget folks, it's not the Leftists that are in power. It's the Christian right. If the money's right, may the politicians responsible for such things will swing things in that direction you all want.

Let's not again paint a broad stroke and blame all of such ill's on "Socialists". It's a bi-partisan problem, and fault lies on both sides.

First of all, not all Christians are conservatives, not all Christian conservatives are aligned with the "right", and not all conservatives and "righties" are Christians. There's the broad brush.

I am a Christian, I am a constitutionalist (as I have mentioned many times before), and I hold some very conservative views yet do not align myself with the republican party.
That out of the way, the things I wrote about have nothing to do with the politicians that you speak of (the ones that control the White house, the house, and the senate). These issues are State issues. Liberal states like California (don't even mention Arnold, as we know the majority of Cali is run by local gov't Dems) and Maryland. Tug's state, as he has posted, apparently still uses common sense and factual history instead of attempting to indoctrinate their kids through censorship.

It is not a federal issue. If it were, I have complete confidence that Bush would allow the pledge, the declaration, and Thanks given to God - money or no money.

Here's the latest on Maryland's socialist School policy, it is what I was referring to earlier about thanksgiving:


They are not taking God out of history because they want to avoid offending people, they are removing it because the NEA is a bunch of far-left liberals and it goes against their socialist agenda. It isn't preaching a religion to talk of religion as it has it's part in history. Heck it was the main reason the pilgrims came here in the first place. It is factual history being censored. It is wrong.

RE: Re: RE: sick people in the world

I'm sorry, I thought this thread was about the Bay Area school banning the Delcaration of Independence.

my bad.
It is, but that's not what I was talking about when I typed that. I re-read it, and I see due to it's proximity of my last post, why you construed that.

First of all, not all Christians are conservatives, not all Christian conservatives are aligned with the "right", and not all conservatives and "righties" are Christians. There's the broad brush.
Agreed. Did I say that? If so, I was incorrect. But I don't think I did. I'll go back and read again. :?

Guys, enough already. I agree with the fact that the censoring of God in any historical teachings is BS. Sheesh, you try and argue with me even when I agree with you. Censorship sucks...in both directions. Even if I don't like something, I don't think that voice should be censored.

I told you TC...I'm done with debating for a while (you aren't gonna suck me in :lol: ). I disagree on a few points, and agree on a few as well. Done, finito, out.
Well Mingez, The point of my post was to say it was a state issue, not a Fed issue. You said it was a bi-partisan thing and it is not. It is a liberal thing (note I didn't say Democrat ;) ).

About the "Christian Right", You don't need to put Christian next to right when referring to right wingers. I used to be very much a republican and very much an agnostic.
TwistedCopper said:
Well Mingez, The point of my post was to say it was a state issue, not a Fed issue. You said it was a bi-partisan thing and it is not. It is a liberal thing (note I didn't say Democrat ;) ).

About the "Christian Right", You don't need to put Christian next to right when referring to right wingers. I used to be very much a republican and very much an agnostic.

Got it.

I just wanted to point out that it's not ONLY liberals that censor things.
The use of "Christian Right" is very much akin to the rabid use of "Liberal" in negative connotations, a habit both you and I are sometimes accustomed to doing. But I got your point!

mingez said:
I just wanted to point out that it's not ONLY liberals that censor things.

Agreed, but the NeoCons' specialty is now killing freedoms, the Liberals specialty is a Godless nation. What a great bunch of folks we have running this country :?

mingez said:
The use of "Christian Right" is very much akin to the rabid use of "Liberal" in negative connotations, a habit both you and I are sometimes accustomed to doing. But I got your point!

That wasn't so much aimed at you, but that topic is a peeve of mine. It is a very common reference. Not so sure that throwing Christian in there is anything other than a cheap shot at Christians. Sure, I do like to criticize liberals, and pull no punches when I do. If you want to criticize republicans, right wing-ers, neo-cons, or conservatives why is it that "Christian" is thrown in there? There are many Christian Democrats in this country, although the party is beating them off with a stick. It is inaccurate and well, I felt the need to vent.
Labels, labels, labels............"sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me!"

Sorry guys, now I'm venting.
TwistedCopper said:
That wasn't so much aimed at you, but that topic is a peeve of mine. It is a very common reference. Not so sure that throwing Christian in there is anything other than a cheap shot at Christians. Sure, I do like to criticize liberals, and pull no punches when I do. If you want to criticize republicans, right wing-ers, neo-cons, or conservatives why is it that "Christian" is thrown in there? There are many Christian Democrats in this country, although the party is beating them off with a stick. It is inaccurate and well, I felt the need to vent.

No problem, we all need to vent. And you have a point!

But remember, I take a beating on this board for my beliefs more than anyone on here in terms of labeling, so I understand and sympathize from that perspective. Search: Liberal, pinko, treehugger, whatever.

Hey man, some of my best friends are Christians! :lol: :lol:

I think the reason the left uses the term "Christian" everytime they reference the right, is due to the fact that most of the "Whats" and "Whys"(when debating politics) often lead back to religious beliefs.
i.e., why is homesexuality a negative aberration: because the bible says so. Whether that's right or wrong is another issue. Other examples: "Morality" issues, pornography, abortion, what have you.

BUT, I do agree. How can I be justified in being irritated at the over-use of the term "Liberal" as a negative, if I drop the term "Christian Right"? Right? Thanks for pointing that out, it's hypocritical to do so, and I'll monitor that a bit more.. Unless, of course, we are actually talking about the Christian Right (Jerry Fallwell, Pat Robertson) who bounce every political whim off of the good book. You HAVE to do it there. :wink:

(But I think, in this case, it came out because it was a question of God in Historical documents.) Which BTW I think should NEVER be censored in any capacity.

mingez said:
How can I be justified in being irritated at the over-use of the term "Liberal" as a negative, if I drop the term "Christian Right"? Right?

Well, no. It's not the same. Using liberal as negative would be the same as using "conservative" or "right" as negative.

It's not like anyone says: "The Secular Liberals".