Hell in a handbasket

TwistedCopper said:
.............. Seems like there is a growing movement of censorship and a desire for socialism in this country.

Know your history or you are bound to repeat it :wink:

And remember who's in office!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

JK! JK! JK! - Let's not start that again - it's a JOKE!!!

Seriously, though, I couldn't agree more. I think we'd better be VERY careful on this issue or it's gonna spell ruin!!!
Re: RE: Re: RE: Happy T-Day

Look where this is happening.
I am glad this guy is suing, I want a liberal judge to have to rule on this.
Mud is right, not really Bush but the Congress could act here and should.
The only thing Bush could do is if the judge in the case rules against the teacher, Bush could pardon that ruling with and Executive Order. But the congess could act to limit the judge(s). All part of the checks and balances of power.
Re: Allen Bolt Wallered Out

That is just BS and 100% censorship.
It's a no brainer, liberal or conservative. Any Judge worth his or her salt would see this is clearly ridiculous. I'm not religious, but a student of history, most of which is riddled with religion. Why hide it? It's a fact of our world's past, and is one of the most influential forces behind why we are the way we are.

What's next? Hiding our history of slavery?

This statement says it all:
"It's a fact of American history that our founders were religious men, and to hide this fact from young fifth-graders in the name of political correctness is outrageous and shameful," said Williams' attorney, Terry Thompson.

Of course,
Let's not make generalizations about the good people of the Bay Area, for the foolishness of a few, overzealous politicians.

mingez said:
What's next? Hiding our history of slavery?

No, they'll keep that one and the story of what we did to the native americans. Those stories show our bad side.

Anything teaching of freedom, liberty, or a history of a faith in God are on the chopping block.

This has been going on for years, but it's getting worse. They are teaching Thanksgiving to have been a time where the pilgrims thanked the Indians for teaching them how to plant corn, etc. which is a complete distortion. They were giving thanks to... :gasp: GOD!

History books in public schools have a mere paragraph of quote from Abe Lincoln, yet a whole Chapter on Slick Willie.

Separation of Church and State has been distorted to keep God out of the government, while it was intended for the opposite.

It is often taught that the pilgrims lived peacefully in a commune, sharing everything equally. That is another complete fable. There was much discontent and feelings of injustice because if someone worked harder that requred there was no personal reward. That ended after the first year when Governor Bradford ended it by assigning each family their own land and opened up the society to barter and trade which resulted in a surplus of all the goods they produced. THis is how they paid off the British financiers that helped them start thier journey.

The list goes on, and on, and on, and on. History is being re-written into some kind of socialist folklore.

And some of you wonder why we homeschool.
Of course,
Let's not make generalizations about the good people of the Bay Area, for the foolishness of a few, overzealous politicians.

Mingez, I think that was directed toward my statement, if not I applogize in advance, and I know we have disagreed on alot of social issues and I respect you positions, yet still disagree.

But I really have to say something here.

The Bay area no doubt has many sensible good American patriotic persons, but the overwhelming image alot of folks(and me) have is of the extreme left wingers, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals is based there and we already know the history there. The mayor violated state law in issuing those marriage licsences I could cite many more if so inclined, but I think drawing conclusions as San Fran being very left wing at least has some merit.

Also these folks telling this teacher he can't hand out copies of the Declaration of Independence are school administrators and prinicpals, not so much politicians, but overzealous nonetheless.
x-mas present...

I am Proud to be from an area where we still have God in our school system. Prayer comes out of the loud speakers prior to evey ball game. Preachers are still allowed to enter the schools for a bible story once in a while. That teacher should move here we would welcome him with open arms. tug

RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Happy T-Day

An unrelated thing to ponder -
Back before our independance, the British taxed the colonists on everything. For example, if you wished to moved grain from one colony to another, you had to purchase a stamp. Stamps were everywhere and were the subject for random inspections by british soldiers. The British soldiers had the right to issue their own warrants if they deemed it necessary to search you or your property. Any home on any given day could be searched and/or siezed by the "red coats".

This is why the constitution provides that a warrant be issued by an uninfluenced Judicial authority (a Judge) when probable cause is evident.

One thing the Patriot act allows is for FBI agents to issue their own warrants without any need for a Judge to authorize it.

Scary, ain't it?

Pretty sickening to think that our lawmakers never even read the Patriot Act before they signed it. It is anything but patriotic.
TC, as much as I hate the patriot act.....I love seeing republicans discuss it, especially the ones who don't cling to the far right side of their party. the wiggle dance they do is fantastic entertainment. A few years ago, I was doing my best to inform people about our countrys crooked drug laws. I'm a conservative, sort of....by modern definitions anyway. A constitutionalist would be more accurate. Because of my political leanings, I felt I was somewhat of an "insider" and decided to try and sway my fellow conservatives views on those laws. My main argument was that as long as they aren't infringing on others rights, they should not be subject to the loose probable cause and seizure laws that we have. Those laws were brought about by people's willingness to ignore the constitution in an effort to seek a false sense of security. These laws in the patriot act aren't new.....they have just broadened their reach from a relatively small section of society is generally demonized, to ALL of the people......even the ones who have been supporting them for decades.......when they affected OTHER people than themselves.

Currently, the patriot act has been used more against common criminals than any terrorists. It's a great excuse for law enforcement to not have to deal with those pesky rights we are supposed to be entitled to.
Don't get me started on the drug "war". You're right, it is full of rights infringements and it is just as ugly as the Patriot act.

The patriot act. Whew. Do you know I couldn't purchase walmart give cards in one visit to Walmart (for my work employees) due to the patriot act. You are not allowed to buy more than a certain dollar amount on a certain day from a certain store because of smuggling money or some stuff. It was such a pain. I'll never go there again for our holiday gift cards.

Twisted-These sorts of stories make me sad. What kind of country will our grandchildren live in? One that they are taught only selective things that certain people want to teach them? How can it harm to teach them anything from our history?

I was taught all these things and I am not a mass murderer or a wussy. I came out just fine.

It worries me the control that some people seek in our government, workplaces, and schools. People will become robots programmed to do excatly what someone else wants them to do.

I have nothing against teaching religion, slavery, torture, or anything that truly happened and made a big impact on our history as a country. These things made us all what we are today and if they didn't we learned from them one way or the other.

No wonder homeschooling is such a desired option these days.


TwistedCopper said:
An unrelated thing to ponder -
Back before our independance, the British taxed the colonists on everything. For example, if you wished to moved grain from one colony to another, you had to purchase a stamp. Stamps were everywhere and were the subject for random inspections by british soldiers. The British soldiers had the right to issue their own warrants if they deemed it necessary to search you or your property. Any home on any given day could be searched and/or siezed by the "red coats".

This is why the constitution provides that a warrant be issued by an uninfluenced Judicial authority (a Judge) when probable cause is evident.

One thing the Patriot act allows is for FBI agents to issue their own warrants without any need for a Judge to authorize it.

Scary, ain't it?

Pretty sickening to think that our lawmakers never even read the Patriot Act before they signed it. It is anything but patriotic.

That's why Bush scares me so (oops, there I go again!). But Kerry probably wouldn't have been any better. They ALL scare me! Our lawmakers and enforcers have lost touch with both the Constitution and the common man (and woman).
LadyJeepFreak said:
they are taught only selective things that certain people want to teach them? How can it harm to teach them anything from our history?

Knowledge is power. Dumbing down the society gives the government more control, and the extreme leftists the ability to push forward the socialist policies. Think of it, if you didn't know the history of how liberty was won, why it was won, and that is is a necessity for a truly free society then what would stop you from voting for laws that infringe your rights if they were to "protect" you? Nothing, because the government will protect you:shock: . It's like there is a long term coup in our government that is quickly taking control from the citizens and making the new generations indoctrinated sheep.

Sad thing is, both political parties are on board.

Like I said, hell in a handbasket.

RE: my 8.8

90Xjay said:
The Bay area no doubt has many sensible good American patriotic persons, but the overwhelming image alot of folks(and me) have is of the extreme left wingers, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals is based there and we already know the history there. The mayor violated state law in issuing those marriage licsences I could cite many more if so inclined, but I think drawing conclusions as San Fran being very left wing at least has some merit.

Now there's some great banter!!

No doubt about it, you are ABSOLUTELY correct!! San Francisco is VERY left wing. And that's one of the reasons I love it.

Yes there are many stinky things about the Bay Area politically, as you could say about Dallas, Houston, and ALL of west Texas (especially El Paso). The term "Good 'ol Boy Network" was practically coined in Dallas. I think you'll agree that any area of the US has corruption and more than a few skeletons.

But I know that the greater majority of Non-religious left winger such as myself will still see this as an attrocity. I am a seperationist, but keeping God out of history has nothing to do with that.

Good thread guys.
Don't forget folks, it's not the Leftists that are in power. It's the Christian right. If the money's right, may the politicians responsible for such things will swing things in that direction you all want.

Let's not again paint a broad stroke and blame all of such ill's on "Socialists". It's a bi-partisan problem, and fault lies on both sides.

it's not the Leftists that are in power. It's the Christian right.

I think the moderates are among the highest number, the right, while heard in the election, are not the majority in the congress.

But the Christian "right" is definatley not the majority in the Bay area and not responsible for this outrage, good try though...

Good "banter" though :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You sure keep me on my conservative toes! :lol: :lol:
90Xjay said:
it's not the Leftists that are in power. It's the Christian right.
But the Christian "right" is definatley not the majority in the Bay area and not responsible for this outrage, good try though...
:lol: :lol:

Good try what? I never said the Christian right is in power in the Bay Area.
mingez said:
90Xjay said:
it's not the Leftists that are in power. It's the Christian right.
But the Christian "right" is definatley not the majority in the Bay area and not responsible for this outrage, good try though...
:lol: :lol:

Good try what? I never said the Christian right is in power in the Bay Area.

Good try though. :lol:

I'm sorry, I thought this thread was about the Bay Area school banning the Delcaration of Independence.

my bad.