Hearing Loss


Active member
Hi y'all.... this past Saturday (8/6/05) evening, I had noticed a "tickle" in my left ear and upon just merely touching my ear I had LOST all hearing from that ear! I am looking for ANY SUGGESTIONS, I have tried flushing the ear out several times with warm/hot water, hydrgen peroxide, alcohol (not beer, that go in mouth), and some "Ear Wax Removal" B.S. from the local pharmacy..... I've tried the ear candles, they removed the most wax out of all, but I still can't hear. Now I have sparkeling ears, but only one works.... If you put one finger in your ear, you can hear a low rumble.... maybe? I cannot hear that from my left ear. It almost feels like a rubber ear now that it has lost it's function :roll: . I go to see "Ol' Saw-Bones" Wednesday...... oh yeah, did I mention i hate doctors? looking for any suggestions..... PLEASE HELP ME

wow, now that sure is a wierd one!! Was there any reason for your hearing to go away?...like did something happen to that ear that may have caused damage?

Good luck! All I can say is go to the doctor and have them check it out.
grand wagoneer

I've been around guns and 'splosives most of my short life but knew about "protection", no family history of hearing loss (my wife always said I have "selective hearing") I have to hear everything out of my right ear..... I couldn't hear it if some one was talking INTO my left ear.... I could hear them talking out of my right ear but I couldn't undrestand them..... assuming they were still talking into my left ear
See an ENT Specialist ASAP!
Some sudden hearing loss can be reveresed if diognosed and treated early.
This is NOT the time for home remedies and drug store fixes.
Don't stick anything else in your ears or wash them out.

I really wish you well.


I have a doctors app. tomorrow....... can't I just stick a screwdriver in there and wiggle it around? that's what I do when I work with cable and nothing gets through
I lost 75% of my hearing in my senior year of high school. The doctor said I would never get more than 50% back. It was just a spontaneous random loss of hearing. He told me to stop playing football, but I made my own note to the coach to say that I was only to be out for a week. After that week was up, I was running sprints, gasping for air, pushing myself past the limit... and POP.... hearing was back... 110% of what it was BEFORE hearing loss. The doctors never could come up with an explaination.

I know that I have a rare condition known as PET, less than 6% of the world's population has it. Patulous Eustacian Tubes. My eustacian tubes are extra wide, they allow pressure to randomly flow between my throat and ears. Though I have the ability to control it. When I go up hills, I can equalize the pressure with some sort of weird inner head movement. When I go deep under water, I can equalize the pressure there too. I can adjust the "gain" of my ears. I can make it so I can hear more or less, or high frequency or low frequency, all just by moving muscles in my head. All sounds great eh? Well I suffer also from terrible ear infections every year and a loss of balance. Whenever I get a sore throat, because my eustacian tubes are so wide, it gives easy access for bacteria to get into my inner ear. Welp, since everyone cares, that's my story.

Ear problems are nothing to mess with, it is much more important than the simple ability to hear. And if there is something physically wrong, whatever it may be, your brain is a fraction of an inch away, any foreign anythings can ruin your day
90Xjay said:
See an ENT Specialist ASAP!
Some sudden hearing loss can be reveresed if diognosed and treated early.
This is NOT the time for home remedies and drug store fixes.

Snitty said:
Ear problems are nothing to mess with... if there is something physically wrong, whatever it may be, your brain is a fraction of an inch away

Good advice.

Sorry Man, you're going to have to bite the bullet and go through with seeing the Doctor. Worst part is he's probably just going to refer you to someone else and you'll have to see two of them.

Or you could just go the screwdriver method


This happened to me back in '86 or '87. ENT doc said it's called "Sudden Hearing Loss" and it's unexplainable why it happens, and there's no real proven treatment for it. It affects about 40,000 Americans a year. They put me in the hospital for a week and gave me heparin and 100% oxygen. That was to thin the blood to increase blood flow to carry the oxygen to the aural nerves. About 3 months after I got out of the hospital, I regained maybe 15% of the hearing in my left ear, but even what I do hear is garbled so badly that I can't understand it. I have perfect hearing in my right ear still. I've learned to always sit with people on my right so that I can hear them, as well as lip reading. I still have severe balance problems when I first get up in the morning or when I try to look up and work over my head. I wish you the best, but I don't have much hope that you'll actually get any hearing back. Sorry to be such a bummer. The good news is that the condition rarely ever affects both ears, less than one half of one percent of people that get it ever lose the hearing in the other ear. Keep us posted.
yikes... dude that licks. I actually have the opposite of what Snitty's got.. i have extra tiny tubes in my ears and the are T shaped, not Y like they should be. actually had holes drilled in my ear drums when i was a kid and they put tubes in my ears. This also causes lots of ear infections, as well as barlybeing able to hear when i have a cold or everything will echo. apperently i hear fine now but because this happened when i was learning to speak i now speak REALLY loud most of the time. my grandad loves me thou because i'm the only one he can hear when we're speaking..

sorry to hear your luck punk. this would be one of the many reasons i love canada. YAY for medicare :D
That's not good, I really hope it's nothing serious... Have you been sick or anything recently? About 2 years ago, I had a head cold, it got to the point after about 3 days that I could no longer make it into work, because I literally could hear nothing; it just got quieter and quieter till I suddenly realized that I was incinerating 4 pans of bread because I couldn't hear all three of my timers going off... It slowly got better, now my hearing is acute as ever...

Failing that, here's hoping that whatever it is goes the hell away.

Well I got back from Dr. Frankenstine or would you say [heavy accent]"Fronk-en-shteen"[/heavy accent], and it turns out I had several years of ear-wax that just happened to fall in the right/wrong direction and become lodged against my ear drum..... he tried to reach in with a pair of really long needle nose pliers (forceps) and that just REALLY hurt..... so he got out the biggest syringe I have ever seen (abaout 10" in length and 2" in diameter) filled with warm water and hydrogen peroxide and blasted it in my ear for about 2 min. that didn't work so he got out "The Attachment", a plastic tip about 1" long and about as thin as 0.7 pencil lead, and OH HELL YEAH!!! He proceded to get the most ugly, nasty, stuck on, baked on ear wax for about 5 min..... but still no hearing :( he looked in and the "Big Ball" was still there.... so he blasted some more and finally after about 10 min of additional blasting he pulled out this chunk of ear wax the size of a #2 pencil eraser..... dude, it had hair, no joke. it looked like this but bigger....
Re: RE: Best rear-end?

Now, that's just nasty. :?

Really glad that he fixed you up but sorry about what you had to go through. I hate docs as well but sometimes they know what they're doing.
How did you get general tso chicken in your ear?

Glad you got that cleared up. I love the relief felt when removing something that doesn't belong

You know, the first thing I thought about when I read your opening post was the Sanford and Son episode where Fred loses his hearing and he went to the doctor and it turned out to be a big wad of earwax..... :lol:

I don't think I've even seen Sanford and Son since I was a kid.
Junkpile said:
You know, the first thing I thought about when I read your opening post was the Sanford and Son episode where Fred loses his hearing and he went to the doctor and it turned out to be a big wad of earwax..... :lol:

I don't think I've even seen Sanford and Son since I was a kid.
It's on "TVLand" every once in awhile....I love tht episode!
That is very common where I work. The guys in the casting department who work in the extreme heat with molten metal wearing earplugs all day have the same problem. The heat and earplugs combined basically cook the wax inside your ear. Years ago when I worked in that departement I had to go through the same procedure to clear it up.

Yeah, he removed about half with the syringes before the Big'un fell out. All together he removed enough wax to recreat a cigerette butt about 7/8 in long..... freaky!

RE: eating starters helper

88Wrangles said:
I'd hate to know that something like that was inside of me!
"Ignorance is bliss" my dear friend