He was Ripped..........


New member
Remember him?
the actor Rip Torn

he got busted for drunk driving recently.
Here is the kicker... he was driving a 1995 Chevy Cavalier when he crashed into a tractor trailer.
I guess ole Rip has fallen on hard times... He sure looks good though..


Dude, don't be afraid to run a comb thru your hair buddy.
Just be glad he was not driven a Jeep when he fell so hard! Dang I bet all the folks over on Chevyz.com are dieing a really slow death over this looser getting busted in a bowtie! hehehe tug

wanna bet he's about broke?

Nawww, he's a character actor, and he's probably studying up on a new part in a movie as a scumbag!:lol:

He looks like Emil Gower, the druggist from "It's a Wonderful Life" when George was looking at life without him and found him at the bar!:lol: