Happy 2022


Well-known member
Happy 2022

What’s your new years resolution?

Never look down on anyone unless you are helping them up - Jesse Jackson

Happy New Years fellow Jeepers! I’m going to have to work out a bit more…LOL C3CAEFB1-4ABE-4488-A783-9E6882544E3D.jpeg
I've never made new years resolutions but after my last doctor visit I am trying to eat less and healthier.

Hope everyone has a great new year!

I resolve to get the Jeep out of the garage and onto dirt roads more often. Hopefully retirement will facilitate that.
I'm going with the generic "gonna eat better". I've found that I'm eating waaayyy to many hot pockets.
It's sad because I work from home now, and have plenty of time to cook.
So far Im out for a 3-5 mi walk daily. I had done this before and it does make a difference. Goal is turn walk to jog and improve 5K time.
And to keep a trend regardless.

Never look down on anyone unless you are helping them up - Jesse Jackson

Not eating better per se, just a lot less. A lot less! 26 pounds and counting. Now to get moving more. Try to run again after patella tendon surgery and lose more weight. Does give me more energy.

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Eat less for me. I started right before Thanksgiving, semi watching how many calories I was doing and if I stay near what a person should eat each day, I lost a pound or two every 2 days and settled at 188. Good from 205. I figure if I actually follow correct calories, I should be back to 175 in a few months

I used this app called my fitness pal. Wife tricked me into it but it worked