Ha anybody got or heard of these fenders?


New member
:DThey are made by Modern Classic Enterprises, and i think they look good and i was thinking about ordering some but i wanted to see what others think of them. If you have them your input would be great8)

here is the link
Checkout | Modern Classic Enterprises


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:DThey are made by Modern Classic Enterprises, and i think they look good and i was thinking about ordering some but i wanted to see what others think of them. If you have them your input would be great8)

here is the link
Checkout | Modern Classic Enterprises

Well if your looking for strickly cosmetic then they are great but if you are looking for function then I would ask myself if the back spray would be blocked.
I think they are nice looking but thats about it. I saw the pictures and didn't see any real mudd shots so can't see what the deflection would actually be. But if you are going to do what they are doing then I would say they are good and less likey to break if you topple over. I really like the photos though it's a great example of extreem jeeping.

This is my opinion for what it's worth.:-|
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those fender + tree = broken plastic fender.

IMHO, .120 wall metal tube fenders tied into a radiator hoop would be ideal.

if you just looking for the looks.. then what ever really
Well, supposedly they're really flexible so they won't break if you get up against a rock/tree/whatever, but I dunno. Also, to be honest somebody posted pictures, I think it was on here, of a TJ with those fenders, it also had like an AEV Brute type pickup truck conversion it looked like...and no offense to the owner, but I did NOT like the way the fenders looked. Personally I think I would go with a tube fender, but I think these are a quality product if the style fits you.

hope you have lots of wiper fluid and good wipers:grin: back splash will be your worst nightmare other than the shattering against a rock or tree nothings shatter proof :D yes they look good but serve no purpose in my book :shades:
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I don't think they look good, they don't match the lines of the jeep. The radius of the leading edge looks goofy, and really contrasts the sharp lines of the fender opening. They just do nothing for the jeep really.
I say yes, they may not be "Trail Rated", but they do look functional for a reasonable price. It's your ride, if you wanna do it, do it.

I don't think they look good, they don't match the lines of the jeep. The radius of the leading edge looks goofy, and really contrasts the sharp lines of the fender opening. They just do nothing for the jeep really.

LOL don't hold back tell us how you really feel.....:D
I really do appreciate yalls input, I was just wondering what yall thought of them. Its alright if somebody doesnt like them i dont care jeeps are made to be personalized and each and every one has its own personality. I wouldnt have posted on here if i couldnt take a little criticism. I personaly like this forum more than any other because the people on here are so nice, and can disagree with you without being an a$$ about it.:-) Now back to the fenders, I dont really mud ride that much so the backsplash thing doesnt really matter to me that much. I think i might get some of these but itll have to wait a couple weeks my funds are running low! Ill post some pics when i get them! EVENTUALLY:lol:

I don't think they look good, they don't match the lines of the jeep. The radius of the leading edge looks goofy, and really contrasts the sharp lines of the fender opening. They just do nothing for the jeep really.

hey didn't want to hurt his feelings all together:shades:

I think they look OK, but the plastic is a turn off for me.

I like that they are made in the USA.


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I really like the look of them and have looked at them on more than one occasion while shopping for a replacement fender for my Jeep.

The only thing that really concerns me is that they may not be tough enough to protect your Jeep in the case of a flop, leaning into a tree or bumpiing into a big rock.

As far as LOOKS though, I like the flatty style a lot.

Im not getting either at this moment in time but eventually i will but i dont know which to get im stuck between these and smittybilt ones. I like the smittybilt ones because they are strong built and I like the plastic ones because they are different and they seem as though they can hold up but not many people have them so there isnt hardly any feedback on them. I have plenty of time to think about it though!!! It seems like every time i get money to buy something like tube fenders, something major goes wrong, like an alternator, or battery kicks the dust, oh well I guess thats just life!!!!:lol: :D
the only issues i could see with the plastic ones is if they flex in the wind while on the highway. if they do flex then they will start to deform after a while and then they will look funny with the leading edge bent up.

other hten that, i think they look cool. who cares how much mud they deflect, its a jeep
In my experience, if you plan to drive on wet roads, or in rain, I would not get them. Even with my 7" flares, I still have to close everything down (THANK GOD FOR AC!!!) or otherwise I get REALLY wet.

I agree with bounty on the looks also, as well as all the coments about the plastic lasting... I have seen a lot of the Bushwacker flares break, so I dont trust plastic that much. Mine have taken a beating and still look good, which is why I got them in the first place (Warn Trail Flares), as they had a reputation of taking a beating.

Here's a shot of me scrapping the heck out of them, for reference. The damaga was just a couple of barely noticeable scratches....
