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RE: Re: RE: distribuer out of synch?

i'm sooo super grumpy right now. %#$!@ some people. Okies i dont understand whats goin on here. The last 4 or so times me and my buddy matty make plans hes or start to make plans but he just has to let me know if he works or not, hes completly bailed on me. and its not like he just calls me up or writes me an e-mail saying look i'm sorry i know we had plans but i gotta work now or somthing with the gf came up. i'm a very understanding person if you wanna bail out on me for somthing else let me know i dont care. the world doesnt revolve around me, and there are more important things than going hiking/4x4in/chillin with me. so i havnt seen matty in i think 3 weeks now so i asked him what his plans were....
Sorry i never called, i ended up working today anyways. 12-5. But this
thursday i have all day off . so im all yours if you can handle me?

i reply back saying alright thrusday sounds good.. so next email ends
See ya Thurs.
now correct me if i'm wrong, but to me that sounds like we now have plans for thursday. so thursday is my day off, didnt get to bed till 5 this morning had a late night of spongebob squarepants the movie (omg sooo funny) poker and beer with my buddy drew. so i set my alarm to get up at about 8 so i can shower and get ready then when matt gets up he can call me and i'll be ready. so i wait.. and wait.. and wait...... nothing. finally call him and hes not home. dad said hes gone out for the day wont be home till late.. WTF!!!!! i just dont understand it. so now i've already turned down my other plans for the day and i didnt make any because i already had some. so now its my day off, i've had 3 hours of sleep, and cant go back to bed because i just cant sleep after i'm up and dressed (unless its a work day) and now i'm also super grumpy.

sorry i just had to $#%#$. gunna go eat chocolate cake now.

RE: re lift

Go have a few beers. That way when he does finally call you will be uninhibited and can let him know exactly how you feel.
I've been there, done that... Best buddy's girlfriend is planning a girls night, so we have a guys night... We're gonna get the beer and pizza, and get all the computers on the network to play some games against each other, a nice big LAN party... The night comes around, everything is in preperation, we're in the middle of blowing each other to flinders, and then she calls... I miss you, she says... Well, party's cancelled, he's gotta go...

If your'e gonna make plans, keep 'em... If you're gonna break plans, then do so. Don't just up and not say anything till last minute...

RE: Re: RE: distribuer out of synch?

yea hes an as s so dont let it get to you, ditch him and move on. thats usually a tactic that i pull (or most guys) when they either A. dont feel comfortable being seen in public with you or B. dont want to be near you but just cant quite say no

Re: RE: Re: RE: distribuer out of synch?

antsinmypants said:
gunna go eat chocolate cake now.


Have a birthday party for yourself right now, its somebodys b-day somewhere.

then call random telephone numbers asking them if they would like for you to buy something that rhyms with orange.
Re: RE: Re: Random Poetry...

Come on down here to Tornado Alley, can hang with me and Sunshine after work or on any weekend. We won't bail on ya, either!!
Rear Brakes not locking up

Yeah, I feel your pain Ants. I'm the "Planner" of our group we call "The Kru." (Childish I know, but we've been friends since High School)

Anyway, I can't stand people who don't have respect for you time. Breaking plans says "your plans and time are not important."

All you can do is talk it out, and if it persists, then do the same to him to teach him a lesson.
It's tough love, cause he'll be better for it.

I find that if someone makes plans with me, I might as well make other plans for the same time so I don't end up bored. 1 out of maybe 20 plans ever make it to action for me. Everything is spontaneous for me, its the only way it works.
RE: Re: grr-rah

well he called late this afternoon and left a huge apology on voice mail saying he owes me big time. i think he only called cause his dad told him i called. but still. i'm not mad that he ditched me cause he got called into work and then got offerd another job to help out with after he got off work that would pay him more, and he definantly needs the cash. but he still should have called me. i got dressed and everything just to undress again and clean the house... i could have used a few more hours of sleep
RE: need a little help

Thats tough...I think your being too easy. I would have given my friends major crap for ditching without calling, work or not.

I would have given my friends major crap for ditching without calling, work or not.
i dont have breasts for nothing... i'll bitch :D (which i dont do often)
i just said i wasnt mad he bailed.. i'm #$@$#@ pissed that he didnt call me when he first found out and waited till after his first job to give me a call.

but i'm goin campin for the day (unfortunatly i have to come home tonight.. work at 6:30 tomorrow) but i'm going up tomorrow after work again :D to stay :D WOOOOO
RE: need a little help

Sorry to hear that. I know what all that's like too, and I hate it when people break plans.

I'm always trying to keep everything all planned out and organized, and when someone screws it up I go crazy. The worst is when we have plans to go wheeling and someone screws something up....I usually end up tracking them down and having to threaten them into going along with the original plans!
The perfect cure:

Sit in a comfortable spot, open a cold one, tekillya will also do. Then call some other friends and have fun.

Sounds like a one sided friendship with this guy Matty to me. Move on look upward and onward for the bigger and better things. Tug said that!
I agree about the not calling thing.

On the other hand.....there's the girlfriend, the multiple jobs, time for his friends, family time, and just life in general.......when does the poor guy have time to plan anything?

I'm like Snitty. I pretty much have to wing-it with everything. Plans are almost useless.