Got the bejezzus scared outta me today....


New member

Well today I decided to get off my lazy butt and work on my jeep (95YJ) some. I bundled up some loose wires, fixed a leaky vacuum hose, and did some sealing on my York on board air system. There was leak right at the compressor output so I removed the two fittings and put new rubber washers in there. Well a little later I decided to go for a drive...I pull out of the driveway and get a bit down the road and GRRRRRRRRRRR I get this sounds awful and is coming from the engine compartment. Oh *%^$....what now. My mind races with the thoughts of bent rods or blown valves.

Anyway I head back home and try to determine the cause of the sound. I started the engine and moved the throttle to see if I could recreate the only seemed to happen around 2K rpm and stay between 2K and 3K. It was a loud sound too...had me totally baffled. It seemed to be coming from the valve cover at first...but I eventually traced it to the York compressor. "Well maybe the pulley or clutch is bad" off they come...noise still there. After looking at the compressor for a while it finally dawns on me...I notice that the little metal crankcase filter that I use to filter the compressor intake was wedged under the radiator support rod....sure enough....once repositioned the sound was gone.

I breathed easy once again. I guess its just a jeep thing...maybe even I don't understand hehe.[addsig]


When that happens. you get that sick feeling and you know that something is dead rong you just have to Hope for the best, Expect the worst, and Settle for anything in between. About the same feeling you when you are running a bit over the speed limit and you get the blue lights coming up fast. nerves fray and sweat pops out and the lights fly on by you! In the ARMY we use to call it the "Pucker Factor" related to the way you rear end puckers up with danger. On a scale of 1 to 10 what was your Pucker Factor? :-O Tug[addsig]

Well I think that worst pucker I have got was when I spun out on a dirt road and totally lost control of the vehicle...spun around like 4 times and ended up nose down in a steep bar ditch (but didnt roll somehow...I was going about 50mph) That was in my old fullsize chevy truck. This was a mild one but it was one of those things that scare the thought of having to replace a blown engine when ya got no money and just got a new job that you really need a working vehicle for. More than pucker I really just get sick...ya know how you get that sickening feeling right down deep in your gut.[addsig]

When the GRRRRRRRRRRRR ends in a BANG then silence----------The pucker factor changes to the Oh chit factor :-D

After changing the U-joints in my driveshaft, asked the kids to help me pick up the tools, I decided to have one last look see, noticed the 18" T bar I´d left stuck through the front yoke, to hold the driveshaft while I tightened the bearing caps. :oops: [addsig]


Or maybe when you first started on the trails (and didnt know how to handle your jeep)and were attempting to decend down a very steep bank then at the last second decide to bail on it... Near roll overs are a 10 on the Oh chit Pucker or any other factor you got.[addsig]