Good News!


Super Moderator
Thought I would let my jeep family know...

She said yes! I proposed to my girlfriend of 3.5 years last thursday on our cruise to the caribbean, totally blew her mind. I don't think she ever thought it would happen. No more mods for the jeep for a while, gotta pay off the rock on her finger. But it's totally worth it, she's the best thing that ever happened to me!

Her and I on the cruise after we told my parents...

Damn you're an ugly guy, how'd you land her with that mug?

Just kidding with ya, congratulations! Thats awesome!

Wow, that's great! My wife and I got engaged on a cruise too. Hope you guys have a long happy life together.

Hey, congrats!! Best wishes for a long and happy marriage. If it ain't one, best wishes for a quick, painless death! j/k:p She's definitely a looker, ya done good!;)

Congratulations,Hope It will last a lifetime,or at least till she starts to mess with jeepin then shes got to go! Just Kidding. :purple: :lol: :purple: :lol: :-)
I trust you were in separate cabins... being unmarrried and all......:-)

Congratulations! Remember these words of marrriage wisdom....

You can be right.... or you can be happy

Make your choice.;)
Don't let her take even one bite of the wedding cake. It is a libido inhibitor.

I'm very happy for you.