Goin' back to colo, colo, colo...

mingez said:
As for your wanting to be away from crowds and such, you might try Golden and in and around that area. Maybe Morrison? Still close enough to civilization and actually closer to Downtown denver than Boulder. I hate the commute from Boulder, via 36, I-25, federal whatever. It takes forever to go anywhere.

On my last trip, to go from downtown Denver to 107th, we are talking 2.5 hours....2.5!!! Denver is only 2.2 million... that distance for that amount of time = California numbers. Just terrible. For me, I have to avoid living north of the I-25 and I-70 bottleneck. or south of the DTC bottleneck.

So, I'll be around to meet ya if you are up there post January 06!

Maybe so. And it's not so much that I have to avoid crowds. I don't mind people, I just don't like overdevelopment. What makes Colorado nice is its natural beauty...making it look like (overdeveloped) Los Angeles would ruin that...that's what I was referring to. I may even consider living in heart of the city...I'm just not that far along yet in planning. Baby steps...

bchcky said:
special_k breaking those things sucks! hockey stuff is so expensive these days. i broke one of the one piece nike apollo's a few months ago, snapped it clean in two on a slapshot. a lot of people don't like those, but i loved it, it was a great stick. so i went out and spent another $140 on a new one! after going one piece, you cant go back. my other stick is a z-bubble, great stick, but i just cant get the feel for it anymore. it always feels like the blade is going to come loose or something, even though i know i got it in there good.

Yeah, I'm probably going to succumb and get a one-piece soon. I've been wanting one and have actually been stalking them for weeks. I'll just have to prepare to be that much more pissed when I break it. If it happens in less than a week after I get it, I'll be immediately banging on the front door of the CEO's house...even if it's late at night.

RE: 87 Cherokee won

i think most are 30 day warranty, but mine of course was about a week after the warranty expired.