Go buy some more cheap chinese imports!

Stupid Rice burners, its the fault of them..*noodles* LONG LIVE JEEP!

Tsk tsk,

Now now Dorivin, I know you didn't mean anything by this, but don't go lumping all of your Rice Eaters into the same category. Rice Burners are usually meant as imports like Honda, Suzuki, Toyota, etc. All of which are Japanese. The Chinese hate the Japanese more than the US. :lol: :p
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Ok, im not ****ed at the military for not letting me join, Thats just their problem. I wanted to join in the first place because of college, I'm not able to support myself and pay for college out of my pocket, and the family really isn't so supportive of me. So college was a first choice, and Its steady income blah blah blah, just like why alot of people go. Honestly, its stupid that you can't get in due to some "medical issue". Any other country would let you join, and they accept you with open arms. Not because they need you, because they want you to join and "defend" the country. I say we should bring back the old ways, back when you could have a beard and long hair, have a bummed knee etc... and still fight, and another opinion on the whole war thing, BRING BACK SWORDS AND AXES! If you want to see the real super power, you bring back the eye to eye, face to face, hand to hand combat. Not this "I'm gonna sit safely here from 20 miles away and press this pretty little button. SHINEY!" the only reason we are who we are is because of money. Sorry random blabbering.

PS: I love the japanese, and WHY CAN"T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG!!!
I say we should bring back the old ways, back when you could have a beard and long hair, have a bummed knee etc...
Ahh, yes, the good old days back when you could be a hippie one day and get a Draft notice in the mail the next day.
I don't recall any US Army allowing a beard since the Civil War. If you want to time warp yourself back to those days, be my guest. They didn't have Air Conditioning back then, so I'm out. Have fun with your sword.
Go to a different branch of service and sign up if you are serious. I doubt if they cross reference records. You need to join up so you can get a clue.
Ahh, yes, the good old days back when you could be a hippie one day and get a Draft notice in the mail the next day.
I don't recall any US Army allowing a beard since the Civil War. If you want to time warp yourself back to those days, be my guest. They didn't have Air Conditioning back then, so I'm out. Have fun with your sword.
Go to a different branch of service and sign up if you are serious. I doubt if they cross reference records. You need to join up so you can get a clue.

:purple: :purple: :purple:

..."I'm gonna sit safely here from 20 miles away and press this pretty little button. SHINEY!" the only reason we are who we are is because of money. Sorry random blabbering.

See, whole thing that got us in trouble in Iraq is just that, 1 soldier can kill 1,000-10,000 badies before he is killed, But they don't under stand that kind of thinking... What matters to them is NUMBERS... Everyone understands numbers. If we would have DOUBLED our forces in Iraq after taking the capital I am 100% certain we would not be in this mess we are now. No mercs from Iran and other countries would have been coming across the borders, and we would have been able to get their Infrastructure put back togeather, and their security forces trained. we have only around 3mill total troops 1.5mil active. We have 140k in Iraq. Clinton Cut the active military personel numbers by 1/3, and like I said the only thing everyone can read is numbers. China has 2mill Active 7mill Total. What does this say? oh we are now only ranked 7th for total, china 3rd for total, china 1st for active, we are second for active military... well there are some numbers
If we would have DOUBLED our forces in Iraq after taking the capital I am 100% certain we would not be in this mess we are now.
I can't say I am 100% certain, but I agree that we dropped the ball there.

To hell with all this compassionate warfare bullcrap! There would probably have been less loss of life for everyone is we had just kept on kicking the snot out of them.
Typically, I try not to get involved in discussions such as this as there is more emotion than fact, but feel I need to make a few points.

1 - Physical requirements are in place to keep you AND YOUR BUDDIES alive. Missing pectoral muscle, acid reflux, bum knees, bad back, whatever. A young man who worked for me in an intern program went into the Army as soon as he turned 18 about a year ago. He was 6'0" tall, in good shape starting BCT (Basic Combat Training) and weighed 155# soaking wet.

After BCT and 8 months in "the sandbox", he is up to 180 #. Why? Between battle armor, gun, gear, water, etc his personal gear/pack is ~80# ... and you need to run, jump, attack and defend with that gear on. ANY physical deformity or illness would endanger everyone.

2 - "Ok, im not ****ed at the military for not letting me join, Thats just their problem. I wanted to join in the first place because of college, I'm not able to support myself and pay for college out of my pocket, and the family really isn't so supportive of me."

This is 100% the wrong reason to join the military. Supporting your country, and other nations unable to defend themselves, is an honorable profession. It is NOT solely a method for paying for college or getting a degree.

You want to go to college? Get a job like most of the rest of us and work during the time you are in school. Take out a NDSL loan that you pay back for 8+ years after you graduate. My parents were not in a position to help either my brother or me with college, but I did not feel it was up to someone else to get me an education.

3 - "I say we should bring back the old ways, back when you could have a beard and long hair, have a bummed knee etc... and still fight, and another opinion on the whole war thing, BRING BACK SWORDS AND AXES! If you want to see the real super power, you bring back the eye to eye, face to face, hand to hand combat."

This is the result of playing too many video games. You also want to know what went on during this period of history? Men bled to death on the field of combat, limbs were hacked off, the pain was excruciating and, if you were lucky enough, you might live with only permanent disfigurement. Read some accounts of what "hand to hand" conflict was really about, not some computerized "you are dead, please restart" video.

I have 2 kids waiting to go in the military ... my son is going into the Army and my daughter chose the Navy. They will be leaving for BCT within 2 weeks of each other and my wife and I fear for them, just like we fear for everyones' kids in harm's way. With their chosen fields, both will find time in the Middle East.

So, if this comes off as a rant, I apologize as that was not my intent. This is just some miscellaneous thoughts of a concerned American and father.

Pray for our soldiers, our leaders and each other!!
Ok ok you got me on a few parts, but its not the whole video game aspect, throw that out to the side...When I say we should bring back the hand to hand combat, its to prove which country is the best, not the richest. And the whole arms and legs being cut off, do you honestly think that it dosen't happen still. How many people come back with a leg blown off or an eye missing, battle losses are still the same as back in the medievil times. Ok, yes defending your nation and nations that can't protect themselve is a good cause and all, but when the nation you protect dosen't protect you when your not in the goverenment and sick and possible dying then thats no nation to protect. I'm sorry but this nation dosen't provide health care to all unless you have money, or if you have 30 kids. I can try to go for Tencare, but I can tell you my chances are slim due to me having to compete against the mass amounts of mexicans, (I don't hate mexicans, its just this town is over ran by them...) and people who can't keep their legs closed. I do work, all I have done is work since I got out of high school and its sad I can't claim myself as an independent untill im 24 to get scholarships...I don't wanna take out a crappy loan I'll be paying off till im 80...And people wonder why america is so crappy when it comes to our schooling, we are the only country not on the metric system, kids don't go to college until they are 17+, most only know one launguage, and half can't add for crap. And most of you are going to say "Then why don't you take your ass to another country", im trying :P
And to the question I was asked, "Why don't you try for another branch", tried that, all groups will not let you in if you have acid reflux, they all have the ability to check your medical records, and I know I can damn well keep up with anyone, shoot anything, and pick up anything I have to even with acid reflux, acid reflux dosen't affect anything but your throat. Ok rant done...