Glaspack to a FlowMaster 40 tomorow.


New member

Son wants a glaspack on his truck so being that mine is like new I bought a new FlowMaster today going to weld it up tomorow and give the old to Will. Can't wait to hear the difference hope it is a little quiter then. Tug[addsig]


Should be lot quieter, but tug how are we gonna hear ya comin'


Just listen for the tunes! Most likely be some kind of blues, zydaco, or mountain music! hehehehehehe Tug[addsig]

hey Tug what are you running under the hood a 4 or 6? Let us know how it comes out, I have a 4 and am looking for a good exhaust system to throw on, trying to avoid the glaspack.[addsig]


lol i also need an exhaust, how loud is the glasspack, is it annoying or just loud. Tell me how the flow sounds, i'm axious to hear (my 1990YJ has holes in the muffler-big enough to see through... so i'm sure i'm louder than most jeeps around). I really want a nice throughty sound though.[addsig]
OK all done and to be really honest if I had it to do over I think I would have spent the 75 bucks on something more useful. Oh yea it is a 2.5L 4 banger. It is a little quiter and has a more sporty racey sound now. Before it sounded a bit like a tractor motor. It don't sound bad it dont sound good enough to justify the cost. Bottom line Go with the glaspack! Tug

But I do have cool new stickers hehehehe Tug

edited by: Tug-n-pull, Apr 25, 2003 - 02:19 PM[addsig]

I think i'm web-search retarted, i cant find any glasspack vendors online :-/ Can anyone offer a word of advice?

Any tug, how on earth didyou get as your email domain? do you work there or something?? :-?

edited by: Shane, Apr 25, 2003 - 07:37 PM[addsig]


Should be able to get a glaspack at any local parts store for less than 20 bucks and any local muffler shop will have em too. Thrush, Cherry bomb, or no name all work as well. The is a false email account to keep spamers off my tail. hehehe Tug[addsig]

OK I have had this thing on a couple of days now. It is quiter and sounds much better than I first thought. When Momma Tug says that it sounds good and wants to know what I did different it is a good thing! So To adjust my first responce on the hwy. It sounds much better and quiter, On the low road it has a great little growl! Tug [addsig]