I went to change the fluid in my manual transmission, and everywhere I looked has specified GL3 fluid, but I'm wondering if it would be ok to put a GL4 or a GL5 fluid in instead?
Sure, but only if you want to destroy your synchros! The only trans use brass vs bronze rings (or vice versa) and the sulphur "slippery" agent in the 4/5 fluid gets the munchies and eats them while you drive.
Stick with a GL3 or your synchros will go south. I recommend Redline MT90, a little pricey but well worth it to make the AX5 and AX15 transmissions last.
Stick with a GL3 or your synchros will go south. I recommend Redline MT90, a little pricey but well worth it to make the AX5 and AX15 transmissions last.
I ordered mine over the internet, as no local shop carried it when I lived in Miami (I have NO CLUE how I will deal with this here in Costa Rica now!!!). I have heard Syncromesh also works well, but I personally have no experience with it...