Gas Tanks


New member
I was wondering if the YJ and TJ gas tanks are the same except for the filler spouts. I'm thinking about putting a TJ tank in my YJ and making a filler hole for it. No more holding the tag down. Thanks.

You don't need to swap in a whole gas tank, just buy a TJ filler assy. and reroute the filler tube to the side rather than the back. I've seen it done on YJs! It looks sweet.
Do what he said, it's common, and they are not the same fuel tanks.

The filler surround interferes with the fender flare on the YJ, so the edge of the surround may need trimmed. Cool mod if you like the look of a fuel filler on the side of the jeep.

I'm just tired of catching my rear license plate on every tree and rock I pass :evil: