Gas Tank?


New member
Hey guys my YJ has a gas tank with a hole in it. I have patched it once but it is leaking again. I havent seen one for a 95 the seem to stop at like a 91. Any suggestions? I need help quick. gas is to high to be loosing it in the driveway. Does any one make an aluminum tank that is affordable?HELP!!

Fuel Pump! 91+ has a electric in tank Fuel pump and return line. () and older is carborated and does not have these. also the 90 and older is a 15 gal tank, 91+ is a true 20 gallon tank.

well not exactly. For some reason, my 94 YJ is a accual 15 Gallon tank. I was going in the process of performing that mod and whan I took out the Inner hose, it was only 4" long to begin with.
Get some Quick Steel putty to fix the hole for the time being, then go get a tank out of a wrecked Jeep. They are good tanks, you must have just had some sort of mishap.
ya i sat it down on a rock pretty hard, bent the skid plate and creased the tank causing a crack. i have found a junkyard tank for $ 75. thanks for yalls help

'94 should be the 20 gal. tank with the extended fill hose, goes back to '94 unless a previous owner changed it.
yup, Bounty is right. Remember that there are two hose inserts. Make sure you are looking at the right one. I did this mod on my YJ, and it helps out so much! I've actually put in 20 gallons into it. It is awesome.-al