Funny picture thread!

Love this one. Mans best friend.


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gennybro said:
Now I remember why I quit,hangovers are horrible.

only horrible if you can't deal with em. plenty of water and rest for the first half the day and your good!! granted I'm a 23 year old so I probably deal with hangovers a wee bit more than you...

That's the key. Hydratioin. I hydrate while I am drinking. Beer and water on the table. I break the dam pretty quick, but my hangover is nil. I keep saying I'm gonna take some IV's and fluids home so I can hydrate in my sleep, but I don't know if I could start an IV in a drunken stupor. I have heard that firefighter/paramedics can do it quite well.
The lights was on,but nobody was home, when they made that sign. last night the lights was pretty dim with me but there was a little bit of intelligence left.

I wouldn't be able to start an iv drunk. I am not a headache hangover person though, I just feel really tired the next day and have a hard time doing anything
I wouldn't be able to start an iv drunk. I am not a headache hangover person though, I just feel really tired the next day and have a hard time doing anything

Are you an EMT-P? It would explain why I like your humor.

I said they could do an IV drunk because they bounce around in the back of that rig and still bring me a pt with an 16g. So staggering around drunk wouldn't be any different. I thought that it may be an easily decoded joke to those in the field. ;)
no, i took the combat life saver course in the army and we had to do IVs on each other. it was fun to see people pass out from that, ha ha ha.

i always thought it would be hard to do anything in the back of an ambulance because of how bouncy it is.

I wouldn't be able to start an iv drunk. I am not a headache hangover person though, I just feel really tired the next day and have a hard time doing anything
That's usually the way I am just drinking beer,quit the hard stuff years ago. But this time got a banger of a headache, Think it was due to the fact I drank some of my friends brew called hurricane, Didn't taste bad ,but the results was horrible.
ha ha ha, i think anything mixed up in the kitchen or garage isn;t going to end well.

i had a buddy when i was in the army. he couldn't drink at all without getting totally screwed up. one weekend, we had a barracks party and he started drinking something form a few of the rooms and was totally gone. he went to the bathroom (we had two restroom per floor on the third floor with 30 four person rooms) and didn't come back for a long time so i and another buddy went looking for him. we found him sleeping with his chin sitting in the urinal holding his face upwards and his body laid out behind him. it looked like it was going to be painful when he woke up, ha ha ha. we woke him up and limped/drug him back to his room where we had all been playing super nintendo or spades or something and put him on the lower bunk. his room was over the cq door entry way and he kept going to the window and yelling out the window and getting back in his bed. we got used to him doing that so we ignored him when he got up and went to the window. this particular time he went up and wasn;t yelling but we really didn't notice since he had gotten up and down a number of times but this time, he was peeing out the window onto the cq steps, ha ha ha. someone started yelling back up and we looked up to see what was going on , ha ha ha. we grabbed him and put him back on his bunk but he was fighting to go back to the window and yell at whoever was yelling up which we did not think was a good thing to do since he just peed all over them, so we duct taped him to his bunk but on his side so when he fell asleep, if he started throwing up, he wouldn;t choke or anything like that. we planned enough ahead to make sure he wouldn't get killed from being duct taped down, ha ha ha.

he drank beer in one room, rum in another, whiskey in another, more beer down from there, then some other hard stuff in a few more with more beer in between. it didn't end well for him the next morning. since we left him duct taped in bed, we all slept in our own rooms and forgot to cut him free. when he woke up, he couldn;t get out to hit the restroom so he peed all over himself but he had also thrown up a few times in the night so that was on the floor and down his face and pillow. he was stuck like that till someone woke up and heard him yelling to let him out, ha ha ha. and i think someone took some pictures for him to remember that by too
lmao, lmao, LMAO. OMFG. that. is. hilarious. I have some awesome stories, but I can't think of one more humiliating at this time. Military peeps always have the best tales. My husb dad is one of those army guys who woke up with a tattoo. Great story, but no way I could tell it and give it justice. He has a yellow duck on his R arm. lmao.

Ha ha ha, a yellow duck? That is hilarious
Upright old dude statue from Peggy Sue's diner off I15 near Las NV and sign.


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Had a friend get drunk at one of my partys,He passed out then came back alive and pi$$ed in my refrigerator. He never did live that one down.

my sis used to get up and pee in the closet in the dirty clothes hamper