Fuel pump noise

#1- Are your doors open when you here the fuel pump "chime"?:p
#2- Is it more of a ding-ding-ding, or high pitched pumping sound?
Mine gives a higher pitched sound when you shut it down...always
always done it so I disregard it.
High pitched buzz... I supose its normal. But I never heard it on other cars, and yes i know this is no (other car) its a jeep, and im a new is it jeepy, or jeeper? Anyway thanks 4 the reply..
Just Jeep or Sweetie or Brenda. Ha ha. Does the high pitched buzz come after you shut it down. Like 1/2 sec after the key is off? That's what mine does. Mines an '88 YJ though. Maybe someone with a Cherokee hears this also. If I had a Cherokee, I would name her "Walks with Knobby Feet".:D