Forget about the usual offroad hazards.......

LOL I can't believe all you GUYS hate BUGS! Man, on the news tonight a woman was bit three times by a brown recluse right near here (in MD) which is unusual. She is near death, I hear. Ughhh after reading this last night I found a HUGE spider on my visor this morning. Was not a happy ride to work. LOL
yes, we do have rattlesnakes in the south. about 2 weeks ago, i killed one - after drying, the skin was 6 feet long - that's without the head and rattles.

Being born a poor white child in the hill country of the Appalachian Mountains we had an out house and no running water. I was always like so scared of spiders and when you go to the out house you reveal your most presious parts to the dark side of the preavy. Setting on a hole in a piece of wood that covers a hole in the ground where things that are not known live. as a child not only spiders and snakes most likely reside in such a dark stank deep place there were in my mind thang with claws, fangs, tinacles, and powers over mind and matter. I hated it so bad. hehehehe tug :shock:
i f-ing hate spiders, i dont really mind other bugs and i have no fear of a snake what so ever, but spiders i hate, i freak out when i get a spider on me, and my friends laugh but when we run into a snake they get all girley on me and i am just like so what its a snake.....MAN I HATE SIDERS
The wife used to kill, every spider she found, freak out, scream and such. I finally convinced her, that whatever the spiders were eating, to get that big and fat, where probably going to end up in her cereal some morning. Now she just calls me to move them ouside.
Wife receintly picked up a cracker and took a couple of bites, before noticing critters crawling all over it. She freaked, I said here drink this, gave her a shot of booze, she asked if the booze would kill the critters, I said don´t really know, just gave you the shot to calm you down some. Told her it served her right, for moving all the spiders outside. :lol:

think spiders are bad?? wait til you run into a flock of wild midgets
One time i was driving in my truck with the window down on the freeway and a fat Yellow Jacket flew in the window and nailed me right in the eye, then it feel down on the seat and slid down in the crack right under my ass. I was freakin out so much with it down there i pulled over and jumped out the truck and waited for it to fly out. Im deathly afraid of those things . . . arg, it was badtimes.

There was a time when killing the Buick-sized spiders in the bathtub and opening stuck jelly-jars were the only reasons one wife and two daughters allowed Gadget to live in his own home!

Gadget kill bathtub spider -- womenfolk grateful and make meatloaf and tuna-noodle casseroles for hubby-dad.

Spiders good!




Reminds of me that Far Side Cartoon, where a couple of spiders had a web at the bottom of the slide in a play ground. "If we pull this off, we'll eat like kings!!"

I hate those thing too. I only kill them when they web over my path otherwise they are OK.
That is my all time favorite Gary Lawson Cartoon. I just said mentioned that very far side to L33TJ33P this week end. tug
Tug, that sounds like the cabin I stay in when hunting in Western MD! Man, what a way to start a morning! I'll spare you all the details of my scare in the outhouse, but let's just say that the only thing worse than seeing a big spider is FEELING ONE!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

Winter in a Jeep

what the hell are you talking about, spiders don't get that big...

it's a gag, that's it - it's a gag...

he's pull'in your leg - ouch, let go - you're going to pull it out at the hip joint...

oh my God, let go - it hurts

You had outhouses???? You must have been raised in the rich section of poverty stricken Appalachia.

We didn't have outhouses in my section. Matter of fact, we didn't even have shoes -- so we had to apply black shoe polish to our feet before going to church.

