for robrt-stephens

Re: RE: News Updates.......

and just so you know...the B word translates to "Gentle Lady."

I'm out Gentle Ladies!

I thought that whole fuzzy bunny thing was for real. I thought that was pretty harsh. But funny now...

I think that wheeling a DD is a different kind of hardcore versus a buggy.
A DD, if you roll, your screwed. A bugyy, you just pop it back on its wheels. So I think wheeling a DD through extreme stuff takes a lot more balls than putting a buggy through something....
RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: for robrt-stephens

currupt4130 said:
also as far as the trash at pirate, think of it like a subruban household. when you walk in the door your greeted by the obnoxious kids who are a pain the butt, run around screaming etc (im not insunitating that your kids are like that, just in general terms) but once you get in the house you find out that the father is a doctor, the mother is an accomplished lawyer, and they just dont quiiiiite have their kids undercontrol because theyre very busy or just dont care

That analogy doesn't do much to quell my apprehension. If that's the case, then those doctors or lawyers don't quiiiiite deserve any of my respect. Ignorance is no excuse, and apathy is a deplorable trait.
I'll talk a little smack about the flamers on pirate, but some of the rigs on there that I've seen ARE pretty cool. I won't get into a "this rig is better than that rig" debate. I've logged lots of seat time in every type of Jeep from factory stockers to capable trail rigs to built race Jeeps. They all have their place. The enjoyment comes from testing the limits of you and your machine, not what those specific limits are. I have no real problems with any rig, as long as it's what the owner wants. If I could, I'd own about 10 different Jeeps.....and no two would be setup the same.

Actually pirate does have a warning for newbies at least in the Jeep section. It says "Newbies check in here before posting." It normally appears at the top of the forum.

I have to admit that I spend as much or more time on that site as I do here. It has a purpose. Some people there are not nice and not friendly, but that site has the best techinical forums in the world hands down. The reason they flame is to supress post upon post of the same questions by new people who were not reading the forums a month ago when they had a four page response to the same question. That is why you will get the response to search before posting or get your posts moved to the "Newbie section." You definitely need to wear thick skin to post there.
I think that my riding style is more in alignment with how guys are building rigs on that site. Anyone of you here who have seen pics of my Jeep might agree that it has long since departed it's stock form. So why do I come here? I guess it's because it is a friendly atmosphere and I like sharing some of the things that I have learned about Jeeps in the 16 years I have been driving them. Plus you guys are dorks and it makes me feel like the cool guy.

(just kidding)

Also, some of you guys don't need to be hatin on the built Jeeps and buggies. Everybody started at the same point running their daily driver off road on the weekends. Some people just choose to take it further as experience and financial ability progress. Just because you have one tons, unimogs or 44" tires doesn't mean the trails get easier. You look for harder lines and bigger obstacles. Almost everybody on here is running larger than stock tires. Why? Because you wanted to go places that your 195-60R15's wouldn't take you. It's the same thing.

TwistedCopper said:
If y'all are wondering what that popping noise is I'm just making a snack :)

Hey, you want to send some of that over here. I'd like extra butter on mine if you don't mind :wink:
mingez said:
Hey guys, this is a huge misunderstanding.

Nobody was name calling. The words "fuzzy bunny", is what the profanity filter turned Mr. Wilderness's first name name into. currupt4130 was just saying his name.

The D word will be changed into Fuzzy bunny...just an FYI.

Kinda funny really. :lol:

Hmmm...Fuzzy Bunny Wilderness....kinda has a nice ring to it! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Okay, I was wrong, they DO have a warning for newbs. But such behavior still isn't good PR for the offroading community. They, like it or not, are a reflection on all of us.

I mean, the KKK could have a warning to blacks and other minorites not to peruse there forum lest they be beraided. It doesn't mean I'm going to respect their actions or behavior.

Plus you guys are dorks and it makes me feel like the cool guy.
If this is cool:

then consider me Fonzie :lol:

JK (of course) before anybody get's huffy.

C'mon, you knew that blast couldn't go unchallenged.

What model transmission in my 98 TJ?

Touche, my friend. That's good stuff.
Don't tell me the shades, backwards hat (for extra peripheral vision) and zip tied bikini top aren't cool. I noticed you accidentally chopped off the hot blond in the passenger seat. The Fonze hasn't got anything on me.
Hmmm...this is getting good.....what was the original topic again? Oh, never mind, I wanna see Mingez and red go at it some more! :lol:

What? You want me to slander the Surrey or something?
You might be better entertained with another round vs. square debate.
RE: CRAP Fuel sender unit!

redrooster said:
What? You want me to slander the Surrey or something?
You might be better entertained with another round vs. square debate.

Ya talkin' heads? Hands down, Mingez has the squarest! :lol: