For once, I am without words.

It is a sad world out there! We have the tech to do so much and the knowledge to abuse it as well! tug
That is totally sick. I wouldnt be able to live if I knew that I sent the order to have my own children murdered.
I dont understand how anyone can think this is right.

yeah I heard about that on the radio today, I mean, if you are going to say lets have kids or we'll have kids if something comes up, take them all, not just one. geee, sure you can't afford to live in new york city, move out of it, go to someplace cheaper to raise your family that you decided to have. I'm sorry, but if you decide to take on such a responsibility of children you have to take anything that comes up, regardless of if you have make some sacrifice, I'm sure children are worth it.
If you don't want to get pregnant, don't have sex. It's our society taking away responsibility again.... I don't think this should be illegal, because it's not the govts decision to make (and the govt. is making far too many of our decisions for us already). When you do something like this you have to answer to a much higher power than our judicial system, and I would never want to stand before the almighty having made the decision that this woman made. I don't care if people flame me on this one; I have an 8 month old daughter that I also couldn't afford and who also changed my life completely. We weren't married and didn't plan for her to happen, but we took responsibility for our actions and did the right thing. She's the best thing that's ever happened to either one of us. This just makes me sick when I look at my little girl and think we could have made the same decision and she wouldn't have ever had a chance at life.

Its one thing for a 16 year old carring one child to make a desision of whether she is ready to care for a child..........Not for a 34 year old wanting to have children, murdering 2 and haveing that one to look at every day and wonder about the others. I could never do that........I had my daughter at 18 years old and wouldnt think twice about doing it again. To be perfectly honest I would have rathered having 3 at one time and getting it over with...........I cant belive this woman I think im going to be sick.
Well I want only boys, so if I ever impregnate my GF I will tell her to have an abortion if it is a girl... then we can try again for a boy after! YIPPIE!

That way of thinking is nonsense... and I was kidding in the statement above by the way.
Just remember that everyone has their opinion, and may not share the belief system that you do.

- and Joopin, I believe that that has actually been a problem in some asian nations, with parents only wanting boys.

I have a cousin who was heartbroken to the point of being suicidal when she found she couldn't have children. She has since adopted two, and is the happiest woman on earth. I don't advocate having unprotected sex and just giving up the end results, but there are times when giving a child for adoption is really the best option, whether it is because of health, psychological, or financial reasons, it should be in the child's best interest and not the parent's best interest. Had that woman carried all three to term, and made the decision to put one, two, or all up for adoption, she would have made someone else, like my cousin, very, very happy. I'll go with the previous statement, though: If you don't want, or can't take care of kids, keep your freakin' knees together! I am unable to have children of my own. For a long time, that embarrassed me, but now I know it's God's will. I can accept it now. I'll just wait for my step-son and his wife to give me grandkids!
SOA conversion

how do you pick which child to have? what if she ended up killing the 2 who were going to become presidents?
jeepmaster said:
how do you pick which child to have? what if she ended up killing the 2 who were going to become presidents?

Or worse yet, the two that were gonna become Jeepers that someday may be on the trail when you breakdown and are there to help you get back home!!!

If you shoot and kill a pregnant woman you will be charged with a double homicide. What that woman did was considered "selective reduction" :shock:

Stopping a beating heart is ending a life. Ending a life is murder. This is an undeniable truth.

I just hope for the sake of the surviving child that this doesn't tear apart his parents. Maybe someday they will realize what they sacrificed for their social status and material things and their hearts will change.

There is a 17 year old girl who lives across the street from me. She was quite the young party gal, always getting in trouble, etc. She got pregnant a while back. She kicked around the idea of abortion, but stood up and did the right thing. She is now the mother of twin girls and living under her own parents roof. She's doing great, the kids are healthy, and I think that even though many view her life as "thrown away at 17", she has proven to those around her that inside that troubled child was a responsible young woman who has displayed the character to sacrifice her own wants to provide for someone else's needs.

I think that yuppie self-seeking manhattan woman ain't got nothin' on our penniless 17 year old girl neighbor!

"Fear of moving to staten island and having to shop at Cosco, buying huge jars of mayonaise" real nice. I bet her mom would have loved Cosco.
my gf and i had a scare one time, we considered abortion and i came to the conclusion that i couldnt support a kid and thats what it would come down to if it had to, but after reading your comments it has totally swayed me on the way i think, a beating heart is a beating heart and stopping it is taking a life, thank you for shedding light on the subject for me everyone, im indebted

Where's my 10 foot pole???!!!
I borrowed it, mingez, cut it down to 9 and made a little harmless comment. good to see ya' back - like your slant on things.

This is why I can't get a weber and a new paint job. I can live with that....
