Fan and belt moving slow


New member
I turned on my 1997 jeep wrangler and tryed to find out why my engin sounded like it wasnt as powerful as usual. I crawled under it thinking it was an exost problem but notice that my fan was running slower than usual.. Could it be a belt problem? Or a polly problem? Or what?

The fan clutch?

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Yes this is a problem. First you need to find out why it isn't spinning as fast as the engine. Too loose? Stretched tensioner failing? Or is it one of the items being driven by the pulley seized?

I it wodnt be the clutch fan more likely the water-pump. And you would be overheating.

If you have a clutch fan, grab it on opisite ends and try to wiggle back and forth. If you can wiggle it, it needs replaced. As said above could also be the water pump but you would probably be getting hot and the pump should be leaking out the weep hole. I have had a clutch fan go out and it sounds like what you discribe, motor running but fan not turning very fast.
A clutch fan is made to stop spinning with resistance such as driving into deep water so the fan dont get pulled into the radiator, the clutch part of your fan is bad. You just need the clutch part not the whole fan.
I'd dump the clutch fan to begin with.. seen too many come apart and throw the fan blade up into the hood... not nice.. either get a 5 blade flex or go electric..