Exhaust questions

xt master

New member
I have a few questions,I am replacing my exhaust from the manifold back.

1.Are the bolts that hold the down tube to the manifold stamped in place?

They seem to be and I did not want to start hitting them with a hammer to remove them.I would like to replace them if possible.

2.If I can get them out what kind of bolt should I buy?

3.Is there any way to tell if your O2 sensors are good by looking at them?

I dont really have the money to replace them now,but if they really need it it would be easier to do it now.

The bolts that attach the downpipe to the manifold are welded to the manifold. Hit them with some PB Blaster for a day or so before removing them from below, I believe they're 9/16".

No way to tell the o2 is bad that I know of, other than a check engine light and a trouble code.
The bolts that attach the downpipe to the manifold are welded to the manifold. Hit them with some PB Blaster for a day or so before removing them from below, I believe they're 9/16".

I got the down tube off.2 different size nuts?I wanted to replace the bolts also since they are all rusted,but if there welded in I am not touching them.