Employee stabbed at Chrysler's Jefferson North Assembly Plant


Staff member
Chrysler Group has released the following statement from Scott Garberding, Senior Vice President of

“Chrysler Group is deeply saddened by the events that occurred at the Jefferson North Assembly Plant this morning. This is a tragic incident and our hearts go out to the families involved.

“As has been reported, two employees were involved in an altercation inside the plant. One employee was stabbed and pronounced dead at the scene. The other employee left the building.

“First shift employees were released once the police gave the all-clear and Chrysler has decided to cancel the afternoon production shift today. All employees should report at their regular times tomorrow.

“Grief counselors are at the plant to support our employees as needed. Second shift employees are welcome to come to the plant today if they need assistance.

“Chrysler Group continues to cooperate fully with the Detroit Police Department to investigate this situation.

“The safety of our employees is always our first priority. I want to commend the UAW-Chrysler team at Jefferson North and the Detroit Police Department for responding in a manner that ensured the security of the remainder of our employees.”