Dubya is in Town Today

Dubya came into Wichita today to do a fundraiser for some local politician and tour a government handout center for those too lazy to get a job. I had a whole day of work lined out, but the majority of it was in NE Wichita, where he will be all day. As a result, the Secret Service has shut down most of the streets for miles in that part of town, and I can't get to my jobsites, so I came home early. Stoopid president.:roll:
What can I say??..............What a lucky camper you are, Sparky. You missed a chance to see perhaps the worst President who has ever graced the White House. Did Nixon visit there, too?..............Coulda had the double!!! (or the double-u!):lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
What can I say??..............What a lucky camper you are, Sparky. You missed a chance to see perhaps the worst President who has ever graced the White House. Did Nixon visit there, too?..............Coulda had the double!!! (or the double-u!):lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

As if blocking out all the streets and robbing me of my livelihood wasn't bad enough, we've been hearing about it all week on the local news, and one station went "live" at 7 am to cover his visit...he didn't get here till 11:30am....and stayed "live" all day to report on nothing. The Secret Service wouldn't let them film his plane landing, wouldn't let them disclose where he was, wouldn't let them know where he would be, etc., etc.:?|

(I like the new smilies, Terry! :lol: )

Oh, I did get to see AF-1 do a flyover when he got here. I built some of the furniture for that plane (one of them) back in '03. It is an impressive little cropduster, I gotta say.
Dubya came into Wichita today to do a fundraiser for some local politician and tour a government handout center for those too lazy to get a job. I had a whole day of work lined out, but the majority of it was in NE Wichita, where he will be all day. As a result, the Secret Service has shut down most of the streets for miles in that part of town, and I can't get to my jobsites, so I came home early. Stoopid president.:roll:

kinda like when we was kids and only had 3 channels and the president would address the nation, that kinda blew if you wanted to watch anything that night.

I wished you could have gotten close enough to him I would have send you a sign that said "where's the fence?"

He's turned out to be a real turd:(
kinda like when we was kids and only had 3 channels and the president would address the nation, that kinda blew if you wanted to watch anything that night.

I wished you could have gotten close enough to him I would have send you a sign that said "where's the fence?"

He's turned out to be a real turd:(

If I'd have gotten close enough to hold a sign, it would've read "You've turned out to be a real turd!" :lol: :lol: :lol:

Get this, there were a bunch of protesters along the street across from the government money pit he was visiting, so the city of Wichita brought several city buses in and parked them there to block his view of them! :shock: That's such a crock!

Now that was a good idea about the buses. That way, he'll have no idea how truly unpopular he really is. If he had seen the protesters, he might have gotten a clue. (Which is the smiley face for sarcasm?) Actually, I think they like him on his planet.....he has yet to join us here on ours.
If it looks like a turd, and talks like a turd, and lays there like a turd, it's a turd. He's always been a turd.

While I agree with you in spirit, we probably disagree as to when he turned "turd" and for what reasons. But as of now, we both know he IS a 24 karat turd8)
While I agree with you in spirit, we probably disagree as to when he turned "turd" and for what reasons. But as of now, we both know he IS a 24 karat turd8)

Ya know, regardless of our differences, and regardless of our feelings about it in the past, it's nice to know that today we can all come together and agree that he is a turd! 8)

He wouldn't have been too bad if he did what he said he was gonna do when he ran. Small government... HA!

He's turned out to be a freakin' liberal! Spending like a drunen democrat and the immigration bill with McCain and Kennedy :shock:


Bush, McCain, and Kennedy... think about that one a second folks...


There's no way anything good can come from that trio.

I'm starting to really like Ron Paul. Too bad the media wants to shelter us from him, and the conservative talk show hosts are too in bed with the mainstream republicans to acknowledge him, and the liberals... well they just can't even accept the possibility that people might actually like what he has to say.

Ron Paul decimated the rest of the republicans int he debates, but we hear nothing of him in the media.

We have lost control of our nation folks. Freedom is fading quickly.