driver licensing and insurance general question...


Active member
got an email from Daimler Chrysler regarding my FSM's...

for those who haven't seen my collection of citations, the latest news is that i got an underage out here at school and just lost my license for 90 days. i am wondering what i should do with my insurance policy...

should i tell them i lost it?
will they find out anyways?
should i cancel my insurance for these 90 days?
will i be able to get insurance again if i cancel my policy?

i already have 1 accident at-fault on my record...

(i am in the process of selling my car anyways... i will buy another one after i get my license back!)


I don't think the insurance will know unless you tell them. I lost my licence cause I failed to pay a ticket, but never knew it cause I never got the notice. I was driving around for 3-4 months with no licence. I got pulled over for driving with my Aux lights on and the cop told me the news. The whole time I was still paying the insurance!

I say cancel the insurance, you will save money for those 3 months for jeep mods. I don't see why you wouldn't be able to get the insurance again.
They are going to find out about your suspension one of these days. Dont cancel your policy though. Another criteria for insurance companies is if you have been continuously insured. Your lucky they havent dropped you from your policy yet. If I was in your situation I would NOT tell them about it. Thats just asking to get your rate jacked. Do NOT cancel your policy until you have that next car. Your in a bad situation but dont go above and beyond to get your rate jacked and stay with your current company. Trust me your not going to like the rates you get next time you go shopping around for car insurance.

insurance companies, tobacco companies, and breweries rule the world
Yeah, don't cancel the insurance! You have to have continuous coverage or that's just another reason for them to charge you more the next time. Plus, they will know about your underage when you go to get a new policy. Right now they don't know, and may not know. However, there is nothing that says they won't find out, but odds are a little in your favor that they may not. When they do, man your rates are going to be high!
dingus said:
(i am in the process of selling my car anyways... i will buy another one after i get my license back!)

How come you're selling, and what're you getting when you buy next one?

i'm selling it kuz its my grandfathers old mercury sable (long story dont ask) and i want to get an old bug but i'm not sure yet... whatever comes up that makes sense!
Ok, I thought that you were selling your Jeep...

Re: insurance... Don't cancel the policy, don't change the policy, don't stir up any dust that might make them look closer at your driving record... Just my thoughts. Everyone in my family has flawless driving records, then my buddy smashed up my mom's van. All would have been well, but then we dropped another garaged vehicle from the policy... Then they looked closer, made up the $6,000.00 from the claim in a year...

oh man the jeep has been sold for a while!


What do you mean by an "underage"?

Assuming that you got caught for underage drinking and they automatically suspend your license for 90 days, and that the incident did not involve you operating a motor vehicle, then do not cancel the insurance.

I would look into if they even have access to that information. Usually they just look at claims and points. Did this incident result in any points on your license? I wouldn't think they could raise your rates for legal trouble unrelated to your driving record, but I would call an agent from another company and inquire. If it will affect your rates, go ahead and cancel - you'll be paying through the nose no matter what.

I have a brother in law who has had big issues with his license. He has used progressive insurance and an online company called Esurance to get cheaper rates. I don't know much about them except they are alot cheaper than the rates your local friendly insurance agent can find you.

Best of luck. I don't miss all the troubles you're having, as at one point I had 8 points on my license with 14 pending as I went into court one morning (one month after I turned 21 yrs old). Ah to be young hahaha I got through it, so will you. Time for a little more responsible partying though!
correct, there were no points added to my license. i dont have any points, somehow... hahaha... i do have 1 accident, however, at fault. i think i'll just pay my premium of $326/quarter and move on with my life. :-(

dingus said:
.......... i think i'll just pay my premium of $326/quarter and move on with my life. :-(

Good move and consider yourself lucky. My son just turned 21 in August - they just bumped his rates (I don't want to know why).....he's paying a little over $200/month!!!!! :shock: