RE: goodyear mtr or what kind of tire 33x12
I don't think you are going to get around this with your current shaft length. Shimming the axle would correct any excessive Ujoint operating angles, but you simply need a longer shaft (or slipyoke, but that would be harder on the output shaft and joints too). The more you tip the pinion up, the more likely you are going to be to pull the slipyoke out when you experience spring wrap. It sounds like a broken Tcase output waiting to happen. I think I would lengthen the shaft before I tried a longer yoke. Lengthening a shaft is more expensive than shortening one. You could go pick up a longer shaft at the junkyard for probably $10 and then around here you could have it shortened for $30-50. Like posted earlier lengthening one costs $80-100+. I've never lengthened one. You can find a longer(and possibly stronger) one and have it shortened for less money.